AV PreMade Sniping

No duh premades stomp PUGs?? Obviously, and it isn’t “one advantage,” there are numerous advantages that come from exploiting the system to force premades.

Thus why premades in WSG have been in game since day one.

It’s interesting that Alliance were dominating AV when it first dropped with sub-7 minute wins without the premades. When the Horde tactic adjusted to counter it, you personally just couldn’t overcome it and have to exploit.

There are numerous arguments both ways as to the faction with “better” this and that; I’ve always played Ally and agreed the Ally side of AV is superior. Having pallies is something I truly miss. 5% less intel and no snare break on my mage sucks.

These little differences may make an impact in a perfectly matched vacuum - but do not make a difference in actual gameplay.

As you’ve stated, you win 100% of your matches. Why? You cheat.

On this as well, I’m not concerned with myself - PreMades don’t effect me, it’s other Alliance that you are screwing over for your own selfishness.

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I seriously wonder what these people are like IRL—then I remember that’s not even a relevant thought, because World of Warcraft IS THEIR LIFE.


The first two weeks I won a good deal more. As you say once the Horde adjusted the only answer for Alliance was to go with premades and now we have the mess that we do.

I remember Alliance dominating AV in my battlegroup when patch 1.12 hit in vanilla because of the zerg and the map that is really in their favor. No premades were needed, but back then seems that people were much more willing to work together than today’s so-called gamers.

You are a pathetic sad little person, and a symbol of everything that is wrong with the world and young people in general. /spit.


What are you going to do to me? Prevent me from entering BWL on my own, no cross-server, realm? Will you transfer and corpse camp me and my entire guild 24/7?


You are powerless.

You are nothing.


Yeah, I was getting stomped in the first week or so. With the fast queue many Horde adopted the, “let them win” mentality as well since it really was so Alliance dominated.

I played a NE Hunter throughout vanilla and basically always won AV in my PUGs.

Saw this in a comment somewhere else and tested it for a day - this method works really well:

  1. Don’t randomly join AV
  2. Click to join a specific AV and scroll down the list
  3. Remember (or note) the number of the last (lowest in the list) AV
  4. Do this (refresh the list) until a new AV pops up
  5. If two new AVs pop up at the same time join the smaller number of the two

This doesn’t guarantee that you get into the same AV as a premade, but it significantly increases your chances. However, it makes sure that you don’t end up in a running turtle AV. Yesterday I succeeded on average 4/5 times."



So has the publication of this technique seriously affected the ally premades or are they still stomping as usual?

Pond scum also always rises to the top. :rofl:
Know what else floats to the top? Lol


What? This?


Hum… I think he may have meant this:

But I could be mistaken :thinking: :rofl:


We’ll have to find out later, most normal people prolly still at work/commuting home if on east coast

It may help Ally PUGs long term, only time will tell.

I’ve seen two peeps thus far mention it helped them out, and in the reddit OP others say there’s around a 80% success rate.

i hope this works sustainably. I might get my alt to exalted afterall!

The amount of ego in this statement is appalling.

I can only hope that your premades get destroyed for such arrogance.

I think we all wish that happens.

I fully support this. AV premades are cancer and I will be sniping AV for the next 21k rep. Add rontavius to all of your silly blacklists.



WHO CARES, you chumps are 15 years late and you’re not even PVP’n so you have no right to say that X place belongs to Z player because you’re not PVP’rs…

At least the HORDE are fighting in AV; they have at least that much dignity…

Alliance on the other hand, what a bunch of whimpering baddies, even the top rank players are freaking garbage dude.

This, well half of us, some of them see a premade and just want to roll over.