AV PreMade Sniping

You’re correct - you can’t blacklist someone from content they’re never going to be good enough to participate in. It is the people that are just above that level of incompetence that can be easily blacklisted. The people who are in garbage guilds and run pugs for their raid experience.

I mean the fact he’s sniping the ques is more impressive than AV ranking lol

So iDK

Might just be a gamer

How? It is about the easiest thing a scrub can do.

You could say the same thing about AV ranking…lol

the irony is palpable


:popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: is a complete sentence

Winning in 6 - 7 minutes 100% of the time is anything but easy.

30 man premade vs pug it should be…The fact it’s not is just a comment on your own groups skill

maybe there is some meta where AV ranking takes skill…this is not it


Horde has a million advantages in AV and PvP. We have one.

Since av ques supposed to be random I doubt this is considered stealing spots by blizzard

That is why we are policing it instead of them.

Post on your main so that we can see if your as elite as you claim.

If people get good at this premade sniping and more do it, we can help put and end to this nonsense.

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So you are abusing the in-game reporting mechanics? And harassing other players by threatening to blacklist them?

10-4…noted. Over and out.

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He’s not trolling. That’s the truly sad part.

…Brah while i agree in a vacuum i’d rather play horde side of the map

Comparing that as a boon relative to being in 30 man with vioce is abusrd.

And paladin > shaman so you have at least two huge advantages that dwarf (jeje) the horde advantages

That’s awesome :slight_smile:

I really do hope it helps, the PMades aren’t that bad on the Horde side since we get a mix of matches and it’s standardized.

But for Ally starting with 15 peeps and not having high rank/gears mixed in pugs I imagine its rough.

FTFY 10lols


Like donating 600 euros to play with a e-thot twitch streamer?

Those requirements?

you cant win a single with a pug as alli, its pretty sad.

We win 100% of our matches with one advantage while horde comes to every match with many advantages.

Sounds like you need the deck stacked completely in your favor.