AV Map needs changing (coming from a Horde player)

Go ahead and post it so we can all laugh.


what! melee damage from NPCs! DISGUSTING!

can you get to the flag and cap peacefully while all archers are up? its really difficult to los the ally archers to do that.

get serious mate. there are some things that should be fixed, such as the ability to backdoor DB and the ability to pally pull drek. But the ally bunkers are way better than the horde ones.

I’m curious why IBT isn’t in the middle of the field of strife like SHB is.

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No they’re not. You can attack someone defending the tower cap from the outside. You can easily kill the bowmen by running up the stairs in bunkers. The towers offer little protection for people trying to cap it. ’

I’d take towers over bunkers any day.


you’re saying you can’t run straight to the flag and cap it, ignoring the archers as you pass them? why tf not? do they chase you into the room where the flag is?

Thank you! i have been saying this for over a month or 2 now.

They figured out that they could maximize by Drek cheese pulling and when we adapted to overcome our disadvantage they claim map favortism. I even was in an argument where i was told that we can choke them at SHGY because of the map advantage which is hilarious because there is no SHGY choke. Closest choke to it is IBT which isnt possible to choke on the initial drive (we get to bal by the time they get to SHGY which means they have choices on which direction to go - not a choke)

They created this issue. How you might ask? Well i am glad you did(n’t) - we were forced to learn the map and to learn better strategies just to make our time commitment worthwhile - or we would sit in queue for another 30-40 minutes after being in AV for 6-7 mins. If not for the alliance zerg strategy with the drek cheese pull, we would likely still be lost (like alliance are now) on how to effectively push you guys back.

You keep making claims about how the tower archers work but don’t actually know anything.


The meta was always going to shift to a “capture SH GY and wipe the alliance in the center of the map and then choke them at IWB” strategy as long as the queues are long.

That’s literally the best strategy for turning every game into a 30 minute, 5000+ honor situation.

Long queues are a cause of this, but the strategy was always available in AV 1.12. Horde had no incentive to pursue such a scorched earth policy in vanilla because queues were never like this in vanilla, so there was no point of turning matches into 30+ minute, zero sum games.

The fact that it’s become the default strategy now necessitates a change. There’s no effective counter to the current horde meta.

We can endlessly debate the causes around here, but the end result is the same, the alliance has an extremely low chance of winning on the current map unless they have superior group composition or significantly more geared players that are coordinated (a bunch of groups of 5 for example).


Are you kidding? What do you call the path at IWB when it’s horde controlled? Horde can choke there because the gy is protected behind the choke. It doesn’t work that way for alliance because the gy is in front of the choke and completely exposed when alliance controlled. How are you incapable of seeing that?


It is not a choke until we cap SHGY… IWB is a huge choke point. What they are claiming is that we can control this before they can get to fields of strife due to where our cave is. This is 100% inaccurate. There is no SHGY choke as i stated. Period. SHGY can be used to grief and hold you guys back if we successfully stop your zerg with force - but even then if its more than 10-15 of you stuck at SHGY its possible to escape us.

So please tell me how I am wrong. IWB is the choke you’re thinking… Seems you were the wrong one.

Your fellow horde players are gonna hate you for this.


Make you your mind. Can horde choke alliance if they control sh or not? You’re contradicting yourself.

Even if you don’t hold the gy, SHGY is easy to farm since it’s stuck in a little cove surrounded by hills and impossible to escape. When horde try that crap, and they do pretty often, I ghost run to another spawn location.

Horde can see which direction alliance are riding through stone hearth before they ever reach stone hearth. I wouldn’t call that choking but it’s definitely a tactical advantage.


A choke point is not what camping a gy is. There is a difference.

So now you are admitting there isnt a choke before IWB for us when we start and meet up? Can you please make YOUR mind up now?

I want an apology for you claiming im stupid when you just said this in the same post (that you even edited lol)

You’re more concerned with being correct than having an actual discussion. Demanding an apology? :joy:

The point being made is that at no time or under any circumstances is stone hearth a choke for alliance. The same cannot be said for horde and stone hearth.


Nah, im lightly trolling you at this point since you did the very thing you just accused me of. Well for that and the fact that you are scared to post on your actual classic toon which automatically made you a troll in my eyes.

You proved my point while failing to prove yours. You even pointed out that its not a choke its a tactical advantage. Fun fact - you guys have tons of these, you just refuse to play the map to figure them out.

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Since you’re apparently a tactical genius, come play alliance and show us the way. Otherwise you’re all talk.


Says the guy who just got caught trolling and helped me prove my point.

Seems i have proven more than you have so far so how am i all talk? Next - i love Horde. Have never played Alliance with the exception of one TBC server that gave me a free faction change - and i only did that once i was geared and level capped. Why in the world would i want to join the alliance now? You guys are nothing but cry babies from what i have seen - and to make matters worse, you’re cry babies that screwed their own faction.

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Who is this guy? hes a cry baby who thinks the horde has no advantages lmao. Seriously who are you? I guess nobody important


No trolling and I’m not even sure what your point was since you’re contradicting yourself. I tried having a honest discussion with you, but you’ve admitted to trolling and are more concerned about being right.

Bottom line is that the OP is correct. Horde cave is a major problem in AV. I predict that unless it is moved, AV will die a slow death.


Don’t argue with dumb, its counter productive.