AV is such a mess

Just a troll

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For all intents-and-purposes they’re used interchangeably for this argument. We could all be pedantic and nit-pick things to death instead of generally understanding the idea trying to be communicated.

Yes, yes you are.


Still just trolling

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Yes, yes, yes you are.


I think I’ve seen your commercial.


That’s fairly insecure of you, karma isn’t a threat. However claiming to report people is trolling and a violation of thread conduct.

:rotating_light::rotating_light::rotating_light:boop boop

It ain’t just a claim, son.

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What will you get sir? Can you clarify?

AV sounds fine and its the players having an issue. That is hard to fix and just Buffing or making changes doesnt fix the player problem it just makes things easier.

So leave as is?

Funny that people defend 1 side having a near perfect win rate when it’s just going to kill the BG.


“2 weeks of AV”. So you had over a week of no one hardly pvping and alliance just rushing and winning most games. And then maybe some push back from Horde second week? …

Wow man yea you have fully embraced AV lol.

Mentality does need fixing but so does the map. It favors horde… so even on fair terms horde have an advantage. And honestly I think the thing most alliance who have actually played AV during the bs that has become would just like some way to not be stuck behind choke points. Once SHGY is lost and horde have that hill there’s really no such thing as offense from alliance anymore. It’s just a slow painful death and funneling horde honor. It gets boring quick and by far my biggest gripe with AV. Some games (a lot of games) alliance lose this GY in first like 3 mins because 1. its kinda hard to defend compared to other GYs 2. poor strats by ally. But even with 40 random pugs trying to focus ally can be set back soooooo far soooo fast. If horde started back farther like they did in other versions it would make it more fair or at least fix the serious messed up chokes, which won’t happen.

so Buff 1 side for what reason? The winrate seems to be from a mentality of the players…So lets give alliance 80 players and have horde have only 20 well now the winrate changes but the players have not. They are only complaining without a real solution. The issue of AV winrate is more complicated than “Do X to map there fixed” as they cannot simply change the map plus keep it 1.12 version, I put faith that Blizz will work something out as they have had 15 year experience building the game.

I don’t see anyone defending AVs current state, just people disagreeing whats wrong with it.

Just because someone is “using” numbers, doesn’t mean they have any idea what they’re talking about. Most people here have no idea how to appropriately collect data, process it and interpret the results.

All I see are posts with personal probabilities and maps with straight lines drawn on them. Neither have any real bearing on what’s going on.

They compiled data and posted it as a basis for an intellectual debate. That’s more work done than just spouting off “Were better than you at pvp” as you spin in circles blowing bubbles

Alliance defense disperses overtime and Horde offense advances ALL at once directly to the cap.

Alliance offense trickles in and Horde defense stays in formation.

the players will choose how to play and this is how they want to play av.

the fault for how bad classic wow’s bgs are is always on the players.

Lets be clear about this. You didn’t win with premades because you weeded out the spergs. You won by gaming the system so your team had 100% speed mounts facing a team with a mix of mounts. You gamed the system to make sure your team had all level 60 geared players that faced a team of mixed. In other words you cheated and much of the state of AV can be laid at your cheating feet. You return to a AV where the pug alliance have been beaten down and demoralized because you guys gamed they system and at the same time screwed the alliance pugs. By making sure alliance pugs had about zero speed mounts, more of a percentage of them were below level 60 and not geared well and they started the game with less than 15 people most of the time. As far as I’m concerned instead of crying maybe you should be thankful you were not banned and that’s what should have happened.
So welcome to the mess you helped create.