AV is such a mess

Tbh if both sides abused this to its full extent AV would be a relatively balanced race to the finish
Unfortunately too many people got the memo that horde was ezmode pvp, so rather than accepting the race alliance offered they want a 30min game for max hph
Hope they’re enjoying the 2hr queues to get back filled into a 2hr game with 0 bonus honor

The way I see it is Blizz needs to remove all honor gained for those that leave before the end of a battle. I get fed up with getting in the tail end of a loss and gain ZERO honor. The 1 medal is bullsht. I am tired of Blizz favoring the horde like they do. Then they wonder why no one rolls alliance. The game is not equal between the factions. Never has been but like an idiot I play. Things don’t change soon I like many others I know will hang up their tabards and move on for a more impartial game.

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Horde are also taking the biggest hit from this
Alliance have the most leavers, sure. But those are for 3min queues
I’ve been in games where 15horde all leave with 0 regard for the collective 15+hrs their allies have been sitting in queue
All because ally capped IBGY and they were struggling to get it back

The fact that people still debate these horde trolls is beyond me. It’s even a moot point now, as Blizz decided to release AB. AV is dead. It will be boycotted by anyone except Bots, AFKs, and Rep babies.


They need something to do while they wait in que.


I have found the quality of games to be on the uptick lately, it feels like Ally have gotten a lot better in AV or there is a lower amount of afk/bots

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Some of us want alliance to pay to their potential.

Unless you already are and you’re this bad. My guess is the latter Likely because of people such as yourself.

Lol. Horde often did NOT give up vs a premade. So nice try? Your entire premise is flawed.

And if we did, we still ended with roughly the same or more honor as you. The only incentive to stretch out games versus a premade was the desire to win. Which we did on many occasions.

Either way, it’s pathetic how many of you are happy with abject cheating, and are too weak to even call it such.

Yet you still lose 98%, and I still end up with a longer game and more honor.

So, thanks.

Well I guess then if you are so pro and want a challenge and are not getting it as is, I suppose you need to reroll so you can fight fellow horde?

Or just enjoy the hollow victories and the que times?

Basically I’m saying, “this is it fella, enjoy!”

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Don’t have the time or desire to re roll.

And I lack the incentive or desire to bother “trying” to win some random AV since I’m achieving my rep goals anyways.

Boom! WoW “pvp” please enjoy your stay? lol.

“cheated” by making a premade
Horde could have made premades as well but didn’t.

Imagine trying to keep a premade together for the full hour wait time? lol.

They wait for 35-40 minutes and then like 10 people have to leave, forcing them to recruit more, drop que, invite, re que…

ahhhh lol, horde life!

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A good point here.

games like dota and league have everyone pulling from the same pool of premade balanced heroes, in wow their toon is based on how much effort they put it into it, you will never EVER get a 1% winrate diff in an MMORPG unless you make everyone pull from the same roster.

It sounds like games like Dota do pvp better?

You mean a game solely based around PvP content and no quests, no real lore, no raids, all pvp and only pvp, yeah I’d think the only point of their game would be more focused than an mmorpg.

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Crazy, right? Invest your time playing a pvp game that’s solely designed to do pvp!

Novel idea, kek!

Then you magically avoid all of this nonsense that are complained about in multiple threads daily!

I find it crazy how Blizzard can deem the situation in AV as ok with the gross ratio of win/loss. How in the world is this still not looked at and corrected. They easily have the data based on how each faction moves in the BG