AV is such a mess

Hows your WSG win rate, big shot?

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Pollz, stop trolling with your alliance giving up crap.Afk alliance isn’t a thing anymore but the horde still win 99%.

I was literally just in an AV where alliance repeatedly dominated every large team fight and had 270 HK to horde 130 at the 30 min mark, yet horde still won and had more bonus honor.

You keep going on about alliance not participating straw man when the biggest issue is the map. The map design is a complete tragedy.

Horde can defend IBGY too easily while the alliance dont have the same benefit for defending SHGY.

Horde get to SF before alliance, so even if you try to take SF 1st as alliance, which isn’t ideal since it sets you 1 graveyard behind the horde progress, you are at a disadvantage because the horde already have the high ground at SF.

You refuse to acknowledge to debate the merits of the horde map advantages, which are not minor. You refuse until the alliance somehow satisfy your absurd requirement of not giving up, when they already do that.

Anyone trying to argue with you at this point is wasting their time.


This is how it was in classic.

We wanted classic. I expect no changes.

Im sick of alliance in AV. 10 people will be afking by the cave, the wing commander, or by Galv’s hut. The game becomes 30v40. Horde have the best choke point at IWB. AV is awful for alliance. It needs a fix.

@ Drytoast. This was not how it was in Classic. I’ve done thousands of AVs in Classic and in Vanilla. Its lopsided. Blizzard needs to start banning afkers.

The horde can cap sf gy on the way to sh gy before most of the alliance raid gets past sh gy. So immediately we have to split forces to flip sf gy or the horde collapses on SH bunker choke point. There is no margin for error on alliance. Everything must go perfect or its just a backward push for 30 mins. If the alliance cave for spawn was the harpy cave, we would have a similar distance to travel as horde does from their cave.


But i thought alliance were just superior pvpers and horde are trash trolls. Shouldnt you always overpower them regardless of your position on the map? wouldnt that be what a superior pvper does?

This sounds exactly what horde had to deal with when premades were allowed. except you literally have 10, 15, 20, 30 min to turn a game around. Horde had 7

Hey alliance have been winning today. I’m 3 wins 2 losses. and 2 of the 3 wins I had were hard fought…over an hour each.

You are winning now, they must have changed the map. (eye roll)
Also kind of being snarky…but I actually thought has alliance started to coordinate 5 man teams in discord queuing? the level of coordination and most importantly actually…the stacking of heals for days…just cant come close to killing any of you.

Nope, you meet at the bottom of the SF ramp near Balinda. The Horde can cut Alliance off from SF and some of them can go the other way to get up there first.

Well, I’ve recently done about a half dozen AV and I can tell you that the amount of Alliance going AFK is considerably less…and we still lost every single one.

So, next change? I mean, since reducing the amount of AFK players doesn’t seem to do much.

I’m at 6 losses and no wins in the last day or so on the Alliance sooooo…

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You are completely wrong about WHO killed premades… The alliance wanted games to fill before the gates opened, regardless if it was a premade that dropped, or if it didn’t fill for any other reason.

Instead of fixing the actual problem, blizzard catored to the horde, and instituted a fictitious queue randomizer, removed the BG numbers, and broke any cross server coordination the alliance had, ON TOP OF granting us a 5 minute queue to a guaranteed loss in AV.

Retail didn’t even go to such lengths over the course of 15 years of patches.

100% horde crybabys mad their win percentage was less than 100, and that they lose the occasional game against a premade in under 10 minutes.

But nope, your right Mr open minded, what was I thinking. The 100,000 random people that play alliance just suk at pvp (only in Alterac Valley) and the 100,000 plus random people playing horde are all chads… (only in Alterac valley)

There is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG WITH THE MAP… It is intended to let the red team win. Blizzard simply made small tweaks to ensure the map was working the way it should.


Right. We simply choose not to.

That’s what happened.

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Also alliance:


blizz releases bgs in 2 weeks instead of 2 months

Right thats why alliance win av sometimes. Maybe it has to do with the mindset of “the map is in horde favor” so alliance just dont try because they can get into another game in 5 minutes while horde have 2+ hour queues so we make sure we arent running around with our thumbs up our rear

:white_check_mark:99% win rate faction

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“I dont have an argument so im reverting to attempted insults”

“My queue is 3 hours long, so I don’t have anything smarter to do than necro an old AV post”.

honestly i dont even know how i ended up on this post. Thats a big fail on my part.