AV is such a mess

This community.

Only in this community can you have people admit that they’re losing. Then admit that not trying, not playing, not participating and quitting out on purpose.

And then insult someone for having the audacity to suggest that perhaps everything they just admitted to might have something to do with why they’re losing.

I tried, but none of are are willing to take ownership of their own actions. Stop looking for external excuses especially after admitting to all. Stop the player-behavior actions that are obviously hurting your team…or guess what, continue to lose.

Continue to not try, continue to not play, continue to not participate and continue to quit out the moment things go south. Good luck with that.

Spot on there Scottxx. Unfortunately Pollz ignores when and why Alliance afk and even that Alliance started queue syncing in the first place because they had to. He’ll go on and on about how Alliance give up and don’t try while totally ignoring the reason for this.

He’s just another troll and I’m sorry you wasted a well thought out post on him.

*edited to add:

Yep. There’s the “It’s all your own fault for not trying,” hokum. What a surprise.


A taking 3 times as long to get from a place where they spawn 1/2 as fast = 6:1 advantage.

You didn’t think H felt no need to defend IBGY because they were just so awesome, did you? Sorry to burst your bubble.

Can we use the same ratio of travel distance to show that SHGY should be actually impossible to assault?

Because players spawn (for sake of argument lets say) 5 seconds away from the SHGY flag. Horde Spawn 49 seconds away from the SHGY flag. That is a 9.8:1 ratio.

It sounds silly when you do that, doesn’t it?

No Pollz. You failed at paying attention. YOU wanted to discuss the map. I told you I dont give a damn about the map or AV. But if you want to discuss the map, there are advantages in design when comparing various aspects of it.

And once you ran into a wall there when I boiled things down to the ability to choose versus to not choose. (of which it’s fairly evident anyone who isn’t lying would prefer choice.), you changed the conversation and focused on a fallacy you created.

If you want to discuss player motivation, that’s an entirely different subject.

Why you still care about AV though is lul.

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Because for a lot of people AV is the endgame. And it is most certainly not in a great place. I want the game to succeed and thrive, and when the endgame is not healthy, the game is not healthy.

We can all have our different opinions, and even reasonable people can disagree on things. Both people can be right. But the moment you start assuming the other opinion is no longer in good faith…then there is no longer a reasonable conversation.

If everyone just assumes i am disingenuous with my words, then they’re not really looking to talk with me. They are just assuming I’m lying and that is utterly frustrating.

Why on earth would I be lying, or not being genuine in my opinion? Why would I be arguing explicitly for more Alliance participation (and yes map changes) when that goes directly against my personal in-game benefit? Because what personally benefits me is bad for the game.

You can call me a lot of things. Opinionated?..Absolutely. Argumentative? Sure. But having every one call me a liar when it makes no sense it sad.

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Well I hate to be the bearer of bad news but this has ALWAYS been av. It always will be av.

So do what I’ve done. Accept it for what it is, don’t fault it for what it isn’t and if that doesn’t help you out, then find another game.

But keeping it exactly as it is right now is good for me, I have no reason to want things to change except for a healthier game. But if it is-what-it-is, then i guess so-be-it.


In what universe do you think horde are spawning twenty at a time through every single rez cycle?

Also your times and distances are simply wrong.

Your que times are ridiculous…lol.

You literally pay to play a game you are not playing. On the flip side, sure…we don’t win. I don’t even stick around for the end. I get my rep and I get out. And I get it at a pretty decent pace. I should be done by next week and then I’m one less guy in the que with AV as a thing in my rear view mirror.


60 min wait for AV is much faster than Vanilla wait time /shrug. And I am also very productive during my queue times, I am playing actively. I am paying to play a game that I am playing.

But you’ve made your choice which is your absolute right to make, its my opinion that it hurts the rest of your team…but you can agree or disagree with that…and that is fine.

1 hour wait time…


for a hollow victory!


I keep on trying to give us an amicable leaving spot. But it seems to just be your nature to try and get jabs in.

But instant queues sound completely awful to me, no downtime no time to make gold etc. Give me the option for an hour queue or instant, i’ll take the hour every single time. That’s an opinion though.

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Here’s the part where there is me, and then there is you…

I don’t care about the stat of AV. I accept it for what it is. It’s not my bag. It’s pathetic if people make this their bag but to each their own.

You have this incentive to want to “improve it” but it’s fairly obvious all you want to do is preach “alliance needs to try moar!”

It’s fairly shallow and superficial what your motives are, hence why you get the cheap shot.

I mean if you really wanted to promote some sort of change or impact on the alliance side for more fun filled experience, then reroll. Go be the the change you want to see!

But we both know you won’t do that.

Even though this is your “bag”

My advice? Just stop trying to discuss it.


I think the bigger issue is the attitude. It seems like (seemed this way in retail too) that Horde plays to win, Alliance plays to… ??? who knows. But you have people going past areas where their allies are fighting, just totally ignoring that, or you stop to help someone and they run off leaving the Horde coming up behind to just kill you because now you’re isolated.

Nothing has changed, it seems. Alliance doesn’t want to try and win but everyone seems to want to go off on their own and do their own thing and the fact that Classic is majorly Horde imbalanced due to “everyone” “knowing” Horde has better racials isn’t helping.


And this is where the conversation stops being reasonable, the moment you tell me what my motives are after completely, and explicitly write it out. I want the game in a healthier place. That is my motive.

And as long as you assert otherwise, then you don’t want to talk with me.


Only if you fail to consider the obvious fact that they need to maintain that ratio for a total of what, 5 seconds? Whereas to take IBGY, A need to first accomplish the exact same 5 seconds and then hold off 6:1 ratio for 5 solid minutes.

Hmm. 5 seconds. 5 minutes. One of these things isn’t like the other one.

Don’t they have to hold that ratio for a long as the Alliance own the graveyard? The point being though that converting distant ratios to KDR ratios can be made to sound absurd.

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Your responses are then in direct opposition to your mission statement.

I think you should probably sort that out.


I disagree.

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