AV is such a mess

Is the cave half as far away from IBGY as SHGY is?

They killed premades because it was not intended that anybody of either faction be able to premade AV.

H were the victims and the ones who, the minute anybody talked about having a workaround, called for bans.

Some A complained too because of the way they got left in 10-40 games. At the time they didn’t realize the upshot would be A losing EVERY game, but that’s hindsight for ya.

If it had been the other way around Blizz would have done the same thing.

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I appreciate you understanding that the effect of a change has nothing to do with the intent of the change.

No, YOU’RE talking about it rather than go post about something you claim you support.

And it’s total BS. You don’t support changing up the starting points. So once again, you can go ahead and talk to yourself because I’m done with this pointless nonsense. Someone else will come along that you can be disingenuous with.

I am just pointing out your faulty premise that Blizzard only makes changes when the Horde complain, which is demonstrably false.

You’re the one telling me to do something, and then saying i am being disingenuous because I am not making new threads about starting caves? I don’t know what else I expected though from someone who thinks that Blizzard is full of Horde secret agents.

You know what would help? Not having 10 players standing around the fights afk or semi afk soaking up honor while contributing nothing.

This is why you’re losing. Map balance has nothing to do with it.


This whole thread is full of Alliance agreeing they have people afk, agreeing they have people hiding and agreeing that they’re giving up and quitting if things go bad…

…and then when you ask them if that is the reason they’re losing…its MAP BAD.

And the fact that the most hearted comment in the thread is a gif that basically amounts to “Horde Rogue, your opinion doesn’t matter” shows that the Alliance arn’t looking for a conversation…they’re just looking to be mad at something.


Prove it. Get Blizzard to switch up the sides.

A third faction (forsaken baby!) solves this entire problem as well.

I can dream for classic+

I laughed at that as well, but it seems to be the way of the new generation.

Reactionary, no logical thought, no critical thinking, no personal accountability, constant victimhood…

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Sounds great, we’ll see what the next excuse is afterwards.

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The thread “The Horde Cave, numbers” is a report by a guy who actually timed it. He reported:

21 secs cave-IBGY
65 seconds SHGY-IBGY

He also measured

So my bad. Not twice as far, 3 times as far. 3:1 advantage if not more than 11 dying, 6:1 if there are.

A can reduce this advantage from utterly insane to merely stupid if they can take Snowfall of course, but he didn’t measure that distance.


First off, I want to restate again that I agree that people should be spawning at FWGY instead of the cave.

For the sake of argument, I will accept all the numbers you posted and grant you that kill ratio. What would the kill ratio needed for the horde when the first fight happens at Balinda…when the Alliance are fighting mere feet from the SHGY flag and the Horde have to ride 65 seconds from IBGY?

In an asymmetrical map, both sides have advantages and disadvantages…and you cannot point out a single instance of what may or may not be an advantage and apply that to the whole map.

Is this really comparable to holding IBGY though? we are talking about already winning a GY fight and capturing the flag. The comparable situation would be horde capturing SHGY and and defending against alliance spawning at SPGY.

Against evenly matched teams the rez waves from SHGY and IBGY would eventually push horde back to an even distance between the two rez points because both GYs have the same timer and same 10 player rez limit.

I don’t see why the same argument wouldn’t carry over? Would it be better if we used SPGY and the Alliance cave instead? The Alliance cave is much closer to SPGY than SHGY is to SP.

I don’t think the exact example matters terribly much overall when I was trying to make the point that different spots on the map favor either team though.


And in that comparable situation, the numbers recorded were

SPGY-> SHGY: 49s

I.e, exactly the same. So H have to win an equal fight, where A have to overcome a 6:1 disadvantage.

This is without considering terrain other than as it affects travel time.

But what about before the flag SHGY is captured?

He wanted to know why it’s so hard to get out of SHGY when one blizzard can cover the whole exit. He wants to point out that there is no advantage to sending your whole team to the spirit healer where all rezzers are trapped and can’t get to the flag.

This guy is just a terrible player who is currently getting pleasure from trolling on the forum.

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The argument being made is that the shorter you have to run to defend something, the bigger your advantage is. Fighting literally inside of your spawn point should be maximum advantage by that logic since you have no travel time.

You know what they say about arguing with Pollz…

I’m out, it’s pointless trying to convince obvious trolls. Pollz, maybe be part of the solution and roll alliance to try it out.