AV is sad. Even in loss Alliance gets so much more honor

Now if only Alliance could suffer 2+ hour queues to make it even.

Even when horde was winning AV, alliance was still getting honor 5x faster.

they still shoot you at AS trying to cap it… e&w are far out of range for the same to happen at RH.

zoomers. it’s all, “gogogo!” instead of, “cap and defend til they burn!”

Maybe take time cap all 4 towers and not just 2 before killing Vann

New record, 121 Honor ins 60-70 bgs hahahahahaahahaha. Sucks to even compete. Leach away from now on.

Then start PvPing!! You should be getting 1100-1400 honor per AV. That is in a 9 min Win btw. If you aren’t getting 1100+ honor in a 9 min win you are doing AV wrong.

Here is a thread where I explain with pics

Also this from another thread.


Knowing horde will lose most of the time all I do is go off alone and kill alliance for 42 honor a kill. I can often get as much or more honor than most people on alliance despite horde losing. I’d really prefer we defend our base, but it is nearly impossible to convince anyone to even try.

But its funny because I can get something low like 10 solo kills and that is 420 extra honor just for me.

I agree, but horde are not doing any of this. Some even said in chat , that they dont care. People like me who try do the objectives dont get help.

Well that is something you have to hope to change but either joining AV with a few guildy’s to back cap. Or start a movement at the beginning by saying it in chat. I tried with my thread to help stop the misinformation that Zergs are good. I hope more ppl see that thread and understand to stop Zerging.

Almost every AV I say 10-15 back cap give them no towers. Some are braindead and want to zerg but some join. If no one joins I still get honor farming Horde straglers and win even if Alliance loses.

I ask, I beg , I link timers. West tower had 1 pally I ask for help to back cap. no 1 comes no 1 cares. After a while its not fun to be trying hard with no result.

Been mentioned earlier in this thread but just to reiterate, you get an extra tower burn worth of honor for each tower of your factions you have up and not contested.

Get horde to actually backcap, free WCs, burn enemy towers. This is all more important than rushing to the end for 161 honor for a win.

Alliance side we call out the drek or kekers standing on noob hill. Those are the guys not contributing to more honor per game. Start calling them out on horde side.

Which is not possible. The honor gains available are the same for both factions. The difference in actual honor gained is entirely down to how they play.

you get an extra tower burn worth of honor for each tower of your factions you have up and not contested.

2/3. HK equivalency is, as of a bit ago today, 42 honor, up from 40.3. This means a held tower is 84 honor, compared to 126 for a killed tower. When it was 40.3 it was 81 vs. 121, so slightly above 2/3 but that was due to rounding.

Bonus Honor in AV:

Sending back a WC and having them make it: 1 HK equivalency

Holding a tower fully (not in-contest) at the end of game: 2 HK equivalency

Killing an enemy tower or captain (Galv/Belinda): 3 HK equivalency

Winning: 4 HK equivalency

Participation during AV Call to Arms Weekend: 4 HK equivalency

You can only solo cap two bunkers, SHB and DBN. IW requires you to kill or have someone aggro the archer directly accross. DBS requires you to kill or have someone aggro the mob just outside the front door because he will chase you up.

Alliance simply has a shorter path.

You can angle it so no archer can hit you, different spots for different towers. Go try it and learn.

Horde has the actual shortest path, they beat you by 10-15s assuming Alliance blitzes full south with Crusader, and that’s just for East/West vs. North/South. Horde have a full 30s advantage on Stonehearth. Horde actually arrive at Stonehearth around the same time Alliance do if both go for it.

Truly based

How many exploits did Horde use in AV again? Remember backdooring? Which druids can STILL do today? Save it.

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Well yeah. level 71 gets strands. it is there I will grind my honor for cap to buys at 80. its content not run 10000 times for me lol.

AV, WG, IOC…are old. Strands…is new too me. I missed 1st run as late legion wow starter.

Not just druids, literally anybody with a mount, can climb up into back of Dun Baldar.

Horde are the original exploiters of AV. In the original game they would pull and reset Vann and pull again with no Marshalls, able to kill him and win without dealing with anything. That didn’t get fixed until WotLK.

No you cant. That archer is directly across the flag in IWB so you cannot LoS it. Alliance also dont even need to worry about pixel perfect positioning. They walk in, move to the side a bit, and cap.

SHB being closer is only really advantage if horde play D to force a turtle. It’s completely irrelevant when you need 2 bunkers to cap before you can pull because TP and IWB are usually on identical timers.

Just look at the alliance win rates and their average honor gains. It’s clearly not balanced.

You don’t need to stand on the flag. Again, try being creative. I’ve seen it done multiple times, in games and in videos.