AV is sad. Even in loss Alliance gets so much more honor

As a horde it is depressing, to keep losing and get so much low honor. 400 honor to 800 when alliance win. But when Horde win, its 600 to 550, seriously feeling bad.


Lol I can’t tell you how many game I’ve won and ally get more honor still!


Stop rushing to Vann and make sure towers burn.
And send your commanders back.

That’s literally it.


just remember all the horde twinks sitting in 49 bracket in discord forming 10 man bgs stomping in pubs kek


I remember classic AV. Horde winning 90/100 matches.



Lol I’m not but hurt about it. But it’s true!

Now you know how Alliance felt for most of Classic Vanilla.


poor horde. coming off the two years of unending AV free wins, it must be so hard.


Yep. 4 towers then kill.

Most alliance knows this. as when alliance tries for less…another turtle makes it to the water tends to happen if not a loss out right.

Wipe on drek, no south gy and deja vu, its the cave. Clean out keep area if you can and its pinch point head bash time.

If horde pulls off the 2 tower run to speed run it its still 500+ ish honor.

its better than galv and 2 tower that breaks out at about 340 iirc.

I hit honor cap on this toon at 66 , hehe while playing AV. I do feel some times bad for the horde but sucks to be you. Blizzard should increase honor cap to 500k , cause I could have got in 1 week with the wins.

Alliance have the advantage in quick games, specifically archers preventing caps as fast as they have to deal with on horde towers. The alliance bridge is also a better defense as horde have to funnel through, but that doesn’t really affect the start.

Horde, alternately, have the advantage of the choke at IWB on resource games.

It’s a wonky map but it’s not entirely broken.


If Horde aren’t winning 90% of the time it must be because something is broken.


Alliance are winning everything now cause most ALLIANCE players are fully geared and horde are GEARING. Love the farm

This is because Horde don’t rush North/South Bunker the same way that Alliance rush East/West Towers.

Given the current path meta, Horde get to cap South Bunker about 15 seconds before Alliance can cap East or West Tower. Horde can cap North Bunker about the same time Alliance can cap East or West Tower.

Get a premade of 5 and bum rush North/South bunkers. Have one of your players run up and send back Wing Commander Jeztor from the Lumberyard above Icewing. Have a player who is capping North send back Wing Commander Mulverick. Convince somebody capping Icewing to send back Wing Commander Guse.

Each WC is worth 40 honor. You guys are sending back 0 WCs in 99% of games and killing Vann (or forcing Alliance to kill Drek) prematurely, making your honor gain 121 for Belinda, 121 + 121 for Icewing/Stonehearth Bunker, and 161 for Vann if you win. That’s 524 + HKs on a win only.

Meanwhile Alliance is getting 121 for Galv, 121 + 121 + 121 + 121 for towers, 0-120 for WCs and 161 on a win. That’s 605-886 depending on WC status and win.

TL;DR: Horde play the map badly, prio trying to win and end up getting less honor because of their own behavior, then get salty.


Archers don’t prevent bunker caps, you just need to learn where to stand. There are also plenty of Alliance players who fight their way up the towers rather than running up and capping. The # of times I’ve gotten to East/West late and capped both because the people already there are killing archers is like the rent.

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I leveled 2 toons from 61-70 almost exclusively in AV, and I can say for sure that 2/3 of our losses are due to not pulling Vann fast enough. It seems like horde rush north and afk, then when it’s time to pull, the north team forgets why they are up there.

If horde pulled as soon as IWB burned we would probably flip it and win 2/3 games.

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But everybody is so obsessed with winning they forget the objectives that award honor along the way.

I especially don’t understand it now that there’s no BG marks to win.

Either side I’m playing on you’ll find me at the first tower, because that’s the first one at risk of being recapped and if it falls they will move on to the rest…there goes all your honor.


No idea why it happens but it’s true. We’ll wait around for the 4 cap while they only have 2 down, we win, and the top earner is some ally with 1000 something honor while the highest horde is 900.

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It could be a 10 min game that awards 500 honor, or a 30 min game where you could get 500-1500 honor.

It’s more efficient to push for the fast games with no backcapping so as to prevent a turtle for maximum honor per hour.


They whine about the bridge yet don’t realize the cheese strat to get into the alliance base was never fixed so they can easily send a few well geared people to sneak into the base.

I think AV guides need to be written in crayon for Horde.