AV experience so far?

Faction balance.

Faction balance was pretty balanced.

It started off as like a 4m queueā€¦it got longer and longer as alliance started abandoning AV because it was impossible to beat the horde cave ibgy defense.

This is exactly why the premade discord came out.

You notice that horde didnā€™t have 90m queue times in literally any other BG, almost like alliance had a 50/50 chance to beat horde in those bgs.

History is going to repeat itself unless blizzard nerfs the cave rez.

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The pre-made discord didnā€™t come about until season of mastery. And it came about because horde could not win. The only altering variable here is that shamans are deleting alliance and are way overtuned for PVP.

But not much PVP is necessary for a rush in AV. Youā€™ll see next week when alliance starts winning almost every game.

Also, 2019 classic was heavily lopsided for horde population. This is because of windfury, and then the streamers all going horde because of that.

Bro I didnā€™t play SOM the premade discord came out in classic about half way thru phase 2.

You have 0 idea what youā€™re talking aboutā€¦

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Regardless, if a faction needs a discord to coordinate, that means theyā€™re not winning enough through pugs, or they need to ensure every game is a win because they only get in one game to alliancesā€™ 10.

The queues for horde were bad almost immediately. Thus, rushes were not allowed so horde could get reputation and honor during the opportunity they had to actually get in to an AV.

Barring that, alliance wins every rush game in 5 minutes because the map is in their favor. You can simply compare the entrances to either base and the accessibility of the relief hut the aid station as to why.

It requires a much larger defense for horde to effect the same effectiveness a smaller defense can provide for alliance.

You canā€™t win on defense as alliance.

Nothing will break the horde cave ibgy defense, you just donā€™t have a clue what youā€™re saying.

There was literally a 9,000 post thread in classic about this and it was made by a horde player with over. 1,000 AV matchesā€¦

The issue is when ally soft cap IBGY and horde soft cap SHGY the ally now rez at SPGY which is LITERALLY 2 minutes away from IBGY, you know the thing they are trying to defend???

Meanwhile when horde die trying to retake IBGY then rez LITERALLY 20 seconds away and up to 20 at a time at their cave.

This means alliance has to split defend SHGY and attack ibgy meanwhile the horde donā€™t need to defend they can 40 man attack SHGY then send 15-20 back to IBGY to recap.

As long as that 15-20 killa few ally every rez cycle they will always retake IBGY, infact Everytime those 15-20 kill an alliance that alliance wonā€™t EVER make it south again.

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The implication is that you only need a couple of hunters to slow down the horde rush, where as the horde needs much more than that to slow your rush. Which means you have more players for the rush. Which means you win, if power and skill is equalized.

Iā€™ve already explained how you can win the games right now. Just stop horde at SHGY and bunker. They will be forced to SFGY to counter it. At which point you grab IB. Leave some hunters at SHGY and commence the rush. There is zero chance you lose that game unless horde turtles and you afk.

This is literally a skill issue right now.

You actually have zero idea what youā€™re talking about

Iā€™ll go ahead and accept your concession there.

My experience with AV is that it is just too easy. We have not started raiding yet so it is gonna be fun when everyone get geared and run AV after :rofl:

You were just so wrong it wasnt worth arguingā€¦

You sound like Red in the 9,000 post thread telling alliance to use the ā€œmeat grinder stratā€.

You just have 0 clue how AV works.

You will see tho, but you wont admit itā€™s the map you will just say that somehow alliance is only bad in AV.

How do you see your 1 post and not log off in embarrassment knowing I made you log onto a rat alt to reply to me?

this is wild that people are even talking about pvp in AV no ones even pvping its just two groups running by each other and every one screaming at every one not to stop

Thatā€™s how it always is at AV launch.

Im sure your vast knowledge of AV will allow you to come up with a strat not already used and failed in this.

Literally this. Horde can make the decision to force the fight and put alliance in the choke and win every game because of graveyard discrepancies. People keep saying itā€™s because good horde can just rush Van but thatā€™s just a gamble because good alliance can out trap you while they are rushing Drek and you have a coin toss. Good horde can actually back cap and force the fight up north and hold alliance in brutal chokes and have a cave graveyard advantage.

Somehow this is lost on so many horde who ā€œbelieveā€ how the horde advantage works.

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My experience is just like my experience in all PVPā€¦ Alliance are a bunch PVE all stars who for some reason wanted to join a PVP server and not PVP.

I am convinced there are like 20 of us probably that actually engage and look forward to PVP.

It would be really boring to play as a Horde : you always have an advantage in numbers, racials and a faction exclusive class that is broken since p2.

Being an underdog and fighting against the odds is more fun.

IBGY is our equivalent to SHGY. Allies can reinforce that faster than horde can assault. Seems pretty balanced.

Not even close to comparable

Also not true once you soft cap SHGY, ally now rez all the way at SPGY.

Meanwhile when ally soft cap IBGY you still rez 20 seconds away at your cave and now up to 20 at a time instead of 10

Equivalent would put ally 20 seconds away from SHGY after horde soft cap it, thatā€™s not how any of this works tho.