AV Cave Rez situation

Rezoning the GYs is literally the only step needed. Everything else simply falls into place the moment the graveyard rezone happens.

Small zone around the caves for respawn purposes and furthest southern (northern) graveyard for Alliance (Horde).

Rezoning the graveyards also means massive Alliance losses are due to their own stupidity and not because of the friggin’ caves.


Holy yikes, and you have the gall to call ME a troll?

I pointed out how huge this was, and one of the alliance frequent complainers here stated it was “irrelevant”.

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Yes that’s the point of this thread, changing the cave rez would be a huge step.

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The why the #NoChanges are we arguing when we are all in agreement that the graveyard resurrection system in AV is hurting everyone involved?

So you really can’t read that explains so much.

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Another prime example of why blizzard is likely ignoring you.

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Some horde get offended at the implication that their win rate in AV isn’t due to them just being awesome at pvp.

I am not the one who doesnt understand that “same time” and “at once” mean the same thing.

How is this garbage helping your argument?


That’s what’s at the heart of the well alliance lose in AV because they suck and the map is fine argument.

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Keep pretending that to be a direct translation of “the bulk of alliance in AV are not trying”. You and a handful of others are official cheerleaders and supporters of such apathy.

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And if you want to keep pretending that is not a direct result of the map please do so.


Your current loss rate is literally due to the alliance players not trying, due to negative nancy defeatist cheerleaders like yourself, and the high % of leechers and AFKers. You actively berate any alliance who do not toe your self pitying line.

Cave respawn mechanic should be revamped.
SF res point should be fixed.
NEITHER of those things account for your alleged 99% losses.


There’s a very important word right before the “same time” that you are ignoring.

The argument isn’t horde>alliance is causing your loss rate.

It’s in general horde players that are quing for AV are actually trying to win and performing better because the alliance that do que for AV have a majority that are not trying to win. Aka rep farm simulator and leeches with a side of afkers.

It’s a difference in the quality of player playing the game, because of HPH, motivation, que times, and a few other factors.

The fact is a good portion of the alliance team go into AV expecting to lose, and they fulfill their self fulfilling prophecy of defeat by directly hurting their teams win conditions by focusing on rep, or putting in the bare minimum of effort to try for the constellation prize instead of trying to win.

Oh my bad guess you also do not know what words mean.

So now we have the two biggest voices against map balance admitting they do not understand what words mean.

Because send a team to take everything at near the same time does not in this context mean take all the graveyards minutes apart. So either you are intentionally dishonest(troll) or you do not know what words mean.


Horde don’t even have a strat. They just run mid and win due to the massive map and racial advantages.


Look, he knows that quite well. It will not however stop him from trotting that argument out over and over in the future.

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I guess if you wanna just ignore all the overwhelming and obvious facts that show this to be false…