AV experience so far?

I just played my first AV at lv59 and it was a total horde dominance. Lasted about 30mins.


Get used to that, horde have a massive advantage on this map.


If horde doesnt defend at all, then alliance wins the race.
That’s it.


soon the horde will be wondering why queues don’t pop…


Maybe tell the alliance to play D. Like Fabu said if horde doesnt play D we lose.

It has nothing to do with Defense.

If you don’t understand the map by now and why it massively favors horde it’s a lost cause.

You can’t win on defense, alliance could defend the bridge till SOD WOTLK launches, they won’t win doing that.

You win by killing the boss, alliance can’t get south because of how IBGY and the horde cave graveyard works.


I know all about the map advantages and disadvantages. Even with all that if the meta is a drek or kek alliance win 50%+. Now let horde play some D and alliance just dont know how to push forward.

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Man, hunters must be having a ball in AV. Trap launcher is OP. lol

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They can’t push forward lmfao.


The map favors Alliance. If Ally defend bridge, they win.


They can… how do premades win? with communication and how do pugs play? w/o communicating. Maybe if stealthers played their classes correctly and stealth south to break up that 10/15 man horde group at IBGY.

Defending the bridge does nothing, you can’t win staying at the bridge you have 0 clue what you’re saying.


Bro we did this in classic.

Literally stealth cap drek’s flag, ghost run south it’s all been done you are not beating the IBGY horde cave rez.

Let me ask you this, what is alliance first objective and what is hordes?

Assuming you answer that right my follow up question is this, where do alliance rez after horde soft cap their first objective and where do horde rez when alliance soft cap theirs?


How do premades win?

Tell the alliance not to death roll into IBGY… and not give up SHGY till IBGY caps. Send a couple down south. Its not easy and yes, we all know the cave rez is the major reason why. But, alliance just can’t think or communicate on the fly.

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Bro just answer my questions above.

I was 1 of the leaders on the premade ally discord btw, I would host and lead games.

You’re showing you have 0 idea what you’re saying and have actually no clue where each faction rezs after SHGY is soft capped and IBGY is soft capped.

How the hell do you want the alliance th push south when anytime an Alliance dies now they rez 2 minutes away from IBGY at SPGY and Everytime a horde dies trying to recap IBGY they rez 20 seconds away at their cave graveyard and they rez up to 20 at a time instead of 10 because it’s a cave graveyard.

Who’s going to always out reinforce IBGY? It for sure isn’t the alliance who rez 2 minutes away when they die.

Sure alliance are just so bad they can’t win classic AV map but had the horde in tears when TBCC launched and changed the fact that you no longer use cave graveyards until your faction owns no other graveyards.

You think the dark portal spawned and all of a sudden alliance got really good at AV and horde forgot how to play?


OMFG… Alliance won an AV.

You arent saying nothing new and no one wanted this version of AV. Are you even playing? why are you still on these forums?

They won and you lost but you just have no idea why.

You don’t pay attention to the “why” just the results which is why your idiotic take is basically alliance don’t know how to right click a flag lmfao.


Sure, cuz only you have a clue. /smh

No, others know exactly what is wrong with the map, where have I said I was the only 1??

It’s JUST YOU don’t.


Are you dumb or just acting like one? I had said the map is horde favored especially in this version. But alliance can win, will it be easy? nope and since their queues are instant why drag out an hour win? when they can simply lose and go again… why better rep and HPH.