AV experience so far?

Correcting stupid takes isnt complaining…

Why do you think they BECAME like that?

Come on i will walk you to the water.

I hope you have a 60 in sod. Just saying…

I’m kinda glad alliance are winning in AV… cuz if they weren’t OMG… the crying threads.

For sure, Alliance are winning some games. It aint 95% horde win %.

Blizzard just have no idea what they are doing. Horde completely busted in pvp and they even gave them the best alliance racials.

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It wasnt week 1 in AV launch in classic either…

I have said this multiple times.

Give it a month, once the majority of horde know that if you back cap IBGY you auto win in will be used it almost every game.

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To be fair since its week 1 if alliance have more players with epic mounts than horde they do have a much better chance in winning than well… ever again lol.

Once everyone have the same mounts and somewhat the same gear then ya back to ibgy turtle meta with the 5% win outlier being alliance premades.

Anyway, you dont need to be a tactical genius to notice the map and the ress mech heavily favors horde, if you honestly believe otherwise at best you are very naive to the point you believe your wife goes to motels with man to play videogames and at worst you were never diagnosticated properly and is being hindered from a life saving treatment.


The only way to beat the IBGY Cave rez is to be a full premade rofl.

They gonna see it soon.

Then they gonna just say the alliance are bad just like they did before, then TBC launched which added the change that you cant rez from your cave graveyard until you no longer had any other graveyards.

Then all of a sudden alliance get good in TBC in AV lmfao, it def wasnt the classic map.

heh i won 5 av today and lost 6 as horde.

guess what class slowed us the most and impacted nearly every game in the alliance favor?


meet your new trap spamming overlords.

@Blizzard Please fix the lag in AV

yea…i really did chose the wrong faction. :frowning_face:

Probably not. You likely don’t realize how easy a time it is to find groups to do PVE content. Just go in front of a portal for any dungeon and turn on friendly health bars and turn off enemy. And then vice versa. You’ll see there’s almost no horde.

but whats the point chuck on playing pvp with alliance if we always lose?

Alliance will win every single AV in 5 minutes come next week. As soon as the good horde are honor capped, you’ll have a bunch of dads who don’t know how to deal with a rush. It happens every time.

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cool ill wait for next week then thx for the info

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Also tell your team to stop the horde at SHGY. Farm them there and SH bunker. Eventually, the horde will get SF to try and counter it. At which point you can get IB, and horde is spawning at a garbage location. Then commence the rush and you win.

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Why do to keep spreading this misinformation…

Horde will have a 95% win rate history is infact going to REPEAT itself here…it’s the same map.

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Why would horde get SFGY when they have their cave lmfao.

Well I’ll tell you for the third time again: The model you are using is from a time when horde had an hour and a half queue as an average. They did not allow rushes and milked everything they could for honor. It was not worth it for alliance to stay in those games so they would AFK and lose.

This is a rush meta.

Why do you think it became an hour and a half???

What do you think made it become an hour and a half??

Do you think it started out at an hour and a half???