AV experience so far?

Honestly, even as horde it’s been terrible.

I’ve won all but 1 game, and easily… But the game play itself has felt atrocious… We’re either steam rolling and winning in 6 minutes regardless of towers, or we’re getting stalled by 3 ish hunters and the games are taking up to an hour. The majority of the horde pugs still can’t figure out that there’s 8 spots to attack sp gy area from, and just funnel themselves into the main road choke to get huntered down over and over.

Beyond that, hunters themselves are just making the entire bg miserable… Every choke point has a frost trap, and trying to move into a casting position through a frost trap just means death by hunter, given their extra range, and insane burst right now. It’s not even the good or very good players of the class right now (like with moonkin), either, seemingly every single window licking short bus kid playing hunter is suddenly John Wick, no matter how much paste they eat.

I lost twice yesterday and so far today 1-0 (6min game).

I dinged exalted yesterday. But this is what happens with freshes. They start off dominated by horde because the sweats get there early and are very good at the game and know how to work together and adapt to whatever situation is needed. An alliance rush isn’t a sure victory for the alliance.

But then those horde players don’t need to play AV anymore. The next wave is not as good as them. They spend most of the game all yelling at each other, not knowing that they are the reason the game is futile. And the alliance only needs to know how to rush. They usually win the race versus a horde that doesn’t know how to beat the tactic (which is basically just pulling all of the elites at once and killing them, or simply walking in with all the elites in there and focusing down van)

So you end up with hour long games or 5 minute alliance wins. And the 5-minute alliance wins are the most efficient for both sides.

By the end of the week, this is going to be the situation. Alliance will win every game.

Not sure alliance will turn things around without premades (or more specifically queu syncing premades in, as was the case in SoM)

The one factor that is it hurting their normal “drek or kek” strat is simply lack of epic mounts. Their win rates might pick up in a week or two as more epic mounts help them rush faster, that said, I wouldn’t bet on it being a significant improvement for them.

If you played classic you know what youre saying isnt true at all.

Horde had a 95% win rate around p3.

That’s because the horde queues were over an hour and a half long. Every game became a defensive game so rushes weren’t allowed.

Barring those queue times, alliance will start winning every single game in 5 minutes starting at the end of this week.

horde aint winning 95% of their games today. lol

I think we have too many alliance alts with the “Rush or KeK” mentality and we all know what happens when you play the PvE game with alliance. You LOSE. lol

It took a while to get the strats.

Dont expect it in the first week.

You actually don’t lose. The good horde players are just falling off now because they’re already capped. On Saturday it was all rush games and horde was winning most.

This is because most of the bad players don’t realize you can just go straight into vann and tank him then win (If you aren’t poorly geared, which is the other problem) That extreme measure is not usually needed, and it’s too fast to reap decent honor and rep.

You still have time to pull all of the elite guards out at once and kill them at the aid station flag area. Then just go kill van.

The only reason to cap SP is to stop alliance from spawning there. You don’t wait for that to cap. In fact you should have aid station capped before you even have sp capped.

Most horde don’t realize this can be done because they’re so used to playing games at this stage of things.

Can you explain the best alliance strategy? I think you said that horde action determines alliance strategy. So what is the “if horde does this than do this, otherwise do this”

What’s the big thing (or things) that if alliance all understood would allow them to win in spite of the horde map / gy advantage ?

They should do same faction queues, but instead of masks, you get the “illusion” buff similar to the illusion you get while doing the In Dreams quest line or entering Old Hillsbrad in TBC.

Oh man… TBC…

I miss TBC :frowning:

I did about 8 AV’s.

6 of them lasted 6min. (2-4)
1 of them lasted 15min (1-0)
1 of them lasted 30min (0-1).

Seems to be whoever pulls the faction boss first will win.

There is really nothing 40 pugs could do.

If horde send people back to ibgy they will always recap it because of the defense their cave graveyard sets up for them in that area.

They will soft cap SHGY and Alliance will soft cap IBGY, the issue now is that Alliance doesnt rez close anymore, they rez all the way back at SPGY which is 2 minutes from IBGY, which is the place they are trying to defend to get a graveyard.

After Ally soft cap IBGY horde rez literally 20 seconds away from IBGY at their cave, at the cave rez’s up to 20 at a time.

So say even giving a scenario where Alliance kill twice as many horde every battle.

If horde send 20 to IBGY and Ally have 40 defending IBGY, so those 20 only kill 6 Ally and all 40 ally kill all 20 horde.

Those 6 ally are now sent to SPGY to rez which is 2 minutes away.

Those Horde are sent to their cave graveyard.

Now say the horde died at different times so all 20 arent up at once, say 14 are up.

Those 14 kill say 6 more.

Do you see how eventually there wont be anymore ally to defend IBGY?

The 20 horde guarding SHGY are not letting ally thru and that area is a huge choke point.

Like we tried all of this in classic on this map, the only solution was for the cave graveyards to not be used until they have no other graveyards a change that took place in TBC.

So the horde literally get to decide if they wanna win or lose.

If horde back cap ibgy the alliance will always eventually be stuck up north, and you cant win being up north.

Someone people think the bridge defense does anything, there is no winning being on defense if youre traped up north.

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Horde can’t beat an alliance rush. The map easily favors alliance in a rush vs rush situation. The current alliance are just really really bad at it right now for some reason. Just kite drek’s adds. Do you guys not know that you can do that? As soon as all the good horde are capped by the end of tomorrow for rank, horde will never win again.

You know horde finishes the race when paladins with pursuit of justice and epic mounts just get to Drek, right? A max speed alliance character has ~20-30s from arriving at the horde keep to needing Drek dead. Unless you have 15~ on the alliance side with max mount speed (paladins or fully geared), horde wins the race. If there are the ~15 max speed alliance, it’s just a tossup.

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Why do you keep saying this when we have the history of Classic?

Horde had a 95% win rate from like p2.5-Prepatch of TBC.

The only way for ally to quickly get rep was to hold the druids which got fixed, then they premade but that got fixed.

Youre making stuff up.

You keep saying that even tho I’ve already responded to the reason. Queues during this time were 1-2 hrs for horde, so rush games were not allowed. They were all milked for honor with heavy defense and meant to last long.

This is not that situation. This is a rush meta.

Are we going to have to go through this again later in the thread?

He is right and we all know you arent beating alliance in a PvE race. Only way horde beat alliance now is to have like 10/15 on D and slow them down. Another weakness for alliance they dont like to play D… so slowing down their offense allows for horde offense to push and win the game.

Holy hell you love complaining about almost everything possible

Then give them to us and find the F out. You don’t want to though, you know that is your crutch and so do these Intern/Developers.