AV experience so far?

When I ranked up I was usually the only one back on D. I would l slow down the 5 rogues trying to get into the base to cap the RH/Towers.

Anyone who doesn’t know that AV is heavily horde favored in 2024 is either incredibly stupid or just plain ignorant. They had a 98% win rate 2019-2021 in classic, with the one outlier being alliance premades before nerf.


Not true in the slightest. AV and IOC are the main two BGs that are made just so the Alliance has a far better chance of winning.

Oh so all of classic Alliance just sucked and lost 95% of matches?

Causing dozens of videos.

Youre actually clueless or a troll.


LMAO… horde cant get pass the bridge cuz of Hunter’s launching frost traps.

I might level an Alliance hunter that has to be fun.

Chain lightning+ hunter traps gg

What are queues looking like for horde?

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I queued 30 games. I won 30 games. The horde advantage on this map is so ridiculous idk how they didn’t nerf or change it before release on the ptr to the BACK cave. How we get to basically beat alliance across the map is literally criminal. Better get exalted this week because you won’t see a queue pop for av next month


I just got 4 games in 30 minutes including the queue time. About 20 people ran straight to Vann and killed him in under 30 seconds. The games we lost were because the Alliance did the same but faster (usually because of the idiots arguing that zerging doesn’t work). You don’t need a tank, you don’t need a healer, you just ignore mechanics and brute force down the “boss” that has been completely untouched for SoD. AV used to be my favorite battle ground in classic, now it’s a faction coordination and dps check.

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TWW next month

pre patch on the 23rd of this month, warbands in the game + updated talent trees I believe

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As long as conquest points are capped, you just finish your goals for your character and keep waiting till next tuesday anyway. And 1st pvp season is always a mess. Also solo q rated bgs for dps will still have a long q I suppose.

Just won in 6 min as alliance. Run to the end and kill Drek, can aoe down the warmasters because we do so much damage. They need to make some huge adjustments here, I think most people would like old AV back where you actually summoned stuff and played objectives.


As long as horde do not let alliance perm cap IBGY it’s over for them.

Horde run past, cap the middle stuff, then fall back and cap one by one south and alliance are so done.

If horde cap IBGY back it’s completely over or a massive turtle.

Horde 100% can stall an alliance win with 6-7 good players in sync gaming together.


LOL you really do attract the smoothbrains. This dude is a self proclaimed “Shaman tank” Aka permeant blue parser for life, as well as several lifelong learning disabilities. You are talking to the equivalent of a infant as far as pvp knowledge is concerned. I would have muted but him long ago but his blumbering interactions with others on this forum is much too enjoyable when it pops up. Treat him just like you would that crazy person whos eating his own face off while screaming nonsense at anyone dumb enough to wonder too close. Just smile and nod and keep the blank stare as you walk past. Never make eye contact. Keep a steady pace and whatever you do, don’t look back.

lol you mean 30 seconds! if you got in a av battle that lasted longer then 6minutes thats a win by itself

cuz the horde doesnt use the bridge, they exploit pathing behind the base. lol
You really dont want to roll alliance unless you like losing

Agreed! They need to make it so there is a barrier on the generals room that is only down after the enemy has taken out all the tower/bunkers. Right now its just a joke

Oh look, a wall of dumb.

did one. ally won in like 4 minutes

Well yesterday was fun. Actual PvP majority were wins…

This morning we have the “Rush Vann to lose” boat anchors constantly telling you they’re going to win before they get to Vann… lose without taking a single structure and begin flaming people from the cave because there are no horde GYs.

I severely detest having my rep advancement tied to boat anchors.

this is true but idk if I got another phase of Season of Catering to Horde in me man. sounds like losing every AV and getting camped in Blackrock Mountain is the future that awaits

Oh please horde do not fall into that “rush or kek” mentality. I want 30min games where alliance dont even burn a tower.