AV experience so far?

Oh I have camped you all plenty in your cave with the premade discord.

Comparing premade vs pugs is silly tho.


I wasn’t comparing premades.

I was talking about what happens when the horde loses IBGY and enough alliance plug the hole keeping any defenders from doing anything but feeding honor…

Not sure what games you’ve been in but that pretty much never happens.


It’s certainly not frequent for the horde, but it NEVER happens to the alliance, too many ways to go from the cave mouth.

There is no objective by the ally cave.

At least camping horde in the cave prevents them from retaking IBGY.

But at that point you’re just flexing.

The biggest issue is the fact that horde get to use their cave graveyard right after IBGY is soft capped.

That’s literally the whole advantage that makes IBGY almost impossible to hard cap if horde send people back to contest the soft cap.

Ally who die defending the soft cap at Ibgy get sent literally 2 minutes away to stormpike graveyard lmfao


That sounds great… until you can’t get out of the cave…

And it’s a chokepoint the whole way to IBGY

(If you don’t have SHGY…)

There is like zero shot you’re defending ibgy and shgy


If you’re holding SHGY and trying to take IBGY…

So the 40 people on the other faction are all AFK I take it?

There is zero shot you hold SHGY and soft cap ibgy unless all of the horde are AFK


What usually happens is they blow through and cap SHGY then forget it exists.
So that gets back capped, and the IBGY, IBT/TP, on down, etc.

(They’re determined to race the alliance to a PvE kill when it works about 8% of the time.)

Yes but I’m not talking that, it’s always a race when AV first launches.

Once thats over and horde decide to win every game because they are the 1s who decide that it’s over

It’s so simple to.

Horde soft cap SHGY.

Ally soft cap ibgy.

Horde send 20 to IBGY, as long as those 20 keep killing 4-6 e every rez cycle by the time ibgy flips to ally control there is no ally left down south.

Everytime an ally does defending ibgy waiting for the hard cap they rez 2 minutes away at SPGY and those 20 horde rez 20 seconds away in their cave up to 20 at a time.

It’s pretty easy to see who’s going to always out reinforce IBGY which is Alliances first objective.


The flipside of that is when Horde loses FWGY and FWAS, them trying to defend is either port into the middle of the alliance controlled Horde camp… or run down a 3rd of the map…
And every time they die, it’s right back half way up the map.

(Whereas the Alliance cave empties out onto SPGY)

Idk who you’re trying to convince here, the classic win rates speak for themselves.

There is no strat, alliance used to ghost run south to try and rez.

Like nothing needs to be said, the map is massively horde favored and the same thing is going to happen again.

Why do you think I went horde on SOD?? You think I was doing this AV grind again as alliance?


Do you have some recorded stats somewhere?

Because the Horde method of Honor Grinding, including in Era (well beyond 2019) is to try and kill as many LTs and Bunkers before the alliance just down Drek…

I call it “Queuing AV losses” because that’s what it is.

If you try to defend, you get flamed
If you try to do any quests, you get flamed
About half the time, if you stop to take/guard SHB or IWB against back cap…you get flamed.

Even in my games today in SoD (which play a bit differently due to changed class dynamics.)

If the Horde has too few defenders, the Horde loses. If nobody slows and blunts the alliance mob… the Horde Loses.
They just have better pathing and more convenient tower locations to get.

Thought you weren’t playing… (At least according to you in the GDKP threads.)

Welcome AHorde.


Did you not play classic lol??

Do you not recall the 10k+ post thread made by a horde player with 95% win rate?

Do you not recall all th screen shots of ally going from 0 rep to exalted in AV with out a single win and posting a screenshot of all their games with the addon that tracked it?

Did you not see the dozens of videos made on YouTube discussing this very thing with how ally have a 95% loss rate but horde have a 2 hour queue??

Like none of this is new.

Also I picked horde and 1 of the reasons was AV if I played that long, I no longer play this heap of garbage.

I did phase 1,2 and 3. I got 5 weeks into p3 and did 5 ST clears before I quit.


Give alliance Shamans and we will “play D” because then the playing field will be leveled.

Buddy… Shamans are the least of your trouble in AV.

No, I don’t recall that. (Wasn’t overly active in the forums)
But I’m going to guess he was a premade-stacker as opposed to a solo queue.
95% WR is not something I’ve seen in any PvP game mode.

But I definitely did play classic and got AV exalted on 2 characters. First for the fun of it. (Back when it first opened up and people would try to summon the avatars… that was the best AV… ever.)
And the second time to get the cheap mount. Which took forever, because people were queuing AV losses for honor. (Not good for Rep in the slightest.)

It didn’t really start to happen until phase 3

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Ah, yeh I burned out about when ZG came out. (The only way Shammies raided in 2019/2020 was grandfathered/package deal with a raid lead thunderfury warrior, or we were resto. I got through MC/BWL with my guild as a raid healer… but I didn’t really want to be a full time healer in the first place and now I’ve not been a healer since.)

Interesting that it started at BWL, that must be a premade thing because by that point, horde queues were 2-2.5 hours on an AV weekend, and 4+ or unavailable when it wasn’t. Premades got popular in order to not waste one of the 2-3 you were going to get that day.

When I started new characters on Era, they were still beating their way towards r14 that same AV Loss method. (I about flipped my lid at getting yelled at for asking a few to defend with me in my first AV since 2020. Flashbacks…mann. Flashbacks.)