AV experience so far?

Yea you referenced how they win with a premade on discord beating pugs lmfao.

The other dude said the map is actually alliance favored, I swear this games filled with a bunch of dent heads.


My point which obviously went over ur headā€¦ and now I see why. Mr. I lead AV premades. LOL was that alliance just dont communicate and want the game to end fast so they can queue up and go again.

I would prefer to play an hour AV and get the Win then not play to win like 99% of the alliance love to do in this verson of AV.

So you think unless alliance are in a premade they donā€™t know how to type in raid chat and only horde can accomplish such a feat?

Now this is a smooth brain dent head take.


Do you even play the game? lol

same guy :joy: great takes


Apparently at a much higher level than you

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Lots of smooth brains today but I guess it is Sunday

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lmaoā€¦ sure thing.

@Stormwolf - we were in a like 2 AV games today. How many times did the horde type in chat? I notice you defending a GY and w/o knowing it was you. I dismounted healed you and help you defend the GY. Nothing was typed till it was clear and I notice it was you. Horde hardly communicate as wellā€¦ but I do notice some moving from objectives to objectives amost as if they know how to hit ā€œMā€. lol

I have a lv85 mage in cata too. =P

Damn, alliance won again. GJ!

Iā€™m 4-2 so far today.

It was the same way in classic it took a while for them to start using the strategy of not racing.

Right now everybody just wants quick games

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Iā€™m glad Iā€™m choosing to skip PvPing on my Alliance SoD toons. The ā€œDEATHBALL RUN SOUTH OR GG WE LOSE ITS OVERā€ mindset is absolutely insane to me. Theyā€™d rather willingly slurp down loss after loss after loss after loss after loss after loss after loss after loss after loss doing the same thing every game than even TRY anything else. All because trying the same thing every game gets them a 5% win rate and ā€œHEY MAN THIS GAME MIGHT BE PART OF THAT 5% RUN SOUTH OR WE REPORT FOR GRIEFING!ā€

Complete clownshoes behavior. Having the AUDACITY to blame the map is just the cherry on top.


horde cave is too far forward.


The biggest issue is that they get to use it as a graveyard right away


I guess it the dev team didnt have enough time to move the cave down. =(

Yea alliance is just awful, itā€™s the only explanation.

In TBCC th caves becomes the last place you can rez and shockingly the alliance wins most games, I think I had an 81% win rate in TBCC.

Maybe all the horde just forgot how to right click flags in TBCC.


PvE side heavily favors alliance, hence why Horde tend to lose in Straight PvE races. (Accounting for the losses I had today.)

Horde pathing sucks
The towers canā€™t defend themselves, let alone the area around themā€¦
(They canā€™t shoot inwardā€¦and all of the slopes leading up to the tower keep the alliance out of LoS of the gunnersā€¦)

All of the alliance bunkers can shoot you on your way up and while youā€™re in the tower.

Horde tunnel starts further forward, but not enough to intercept the alliance at IWB, and too far forward to defend if GYā€™s are lost.

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Correct. lol

In a pve race horde lose 90% of the time. In a scorch earth metaā€¦ well, you Mr. I lead AV premades should know what that win rate is.

Right now if both sides played D it can go either way even with the map disadvantages.

No idea how because the horde set what strat is used.

All horde have to do is keep recapping IBGY while they use their cave graveyard and alliance will literally never go south.

It will happen more and more as time goes on.


Someoneā€™s never been camped in their cave beforeā€¦ only one way to IBGY from cave.