AV Discords are ruining the experience

That’s kind of my point, though. I pay for this game and should be able to roll on the dominant on the faction, if I want to :cocktail:

When you take away players’ freedoms, they’ll just be turned off and find something else. So, instead of growing the game, you’re diminishing the game :cocktail:

Nope. That’s going to be a hard disagree. The experience of the collective majority is more important than the whims of the picky minority. You’re free to roll Alliance on one of the balanced or underpopulated Alliance servers if you so choose to roll Alliance under this system. You’re assuming people will inherently agree with your ideological nochange whims, when people ultimately want to have fun. Unbalanced servers aren’t fun. 25 minute queues aren’t fun. I’d wager a bet most people are willing to sacrifice minor conveniences for an overall better play experience.

You seem to think this is a server faction issue. Its not. Yes, more PvP servers are horde dominate but since BGs pool all realms, at least in NA, of all types then server faction balance is meaningless. Less Alliance play for PvP, it was this way in Vanilla and its remained this way in Classic. There is literally nothing blizzard can change to make this go the way you want.

Hell, add the join as group/raid button for AV but how long till we have to tinker with match making to make it prefer premade vs premade as they used on live previously? It still doesnt change horde queue times even without it trying to match premade vs premade.

I also get the feeling that everyone has this “Other horde will role/switch to Alliance so my queue will be better” mentality. Thats not gonna work either.


You’re saying Teamspeak wasn’t a thing once?

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Open up faction changes. Let Blizzard deal with the Paladin/Shaman issue as they see fit.

I disagree with restricting people’s freedoms. If I want to play Horde (that happen to be dominant) on a particular Server, I should be able to :cocktail:

You cannot prove that you’re ideology is the majority. I’m not making the claim that I’m the majority, either :cocktail:

I linked a Thread showing other Players not constantly PvPing. Here’s another one, for you, showing that I’m not the only one that doesn’t necessarily PvP, all the time :cocktail:

I think you’re assuming that a lot of people agree with your ideology, when I have provided two thread links, showing other people, voicing their opinions on not being PvPers. And your ideology is not reflective of everyone. You can only speak for yourself which is why I believe your vision is extremely short sited because this is coming from a PvP point view, rather than the game, as a whole :cocktail:

There are dominate faction Servers that utilize that function for Raids. To have multiple Raid Groups, for Guilds. Or Guilds that are large to help Level their Guildies and do Low Level Dungeon Runs. You need to think outside of your PvP bubble :cocktail:

I can imagine for Gankfest Servers 'cause:

It is what it is. The PvE World (at least for PuGs) has a Tank Shortage 'cause PuGs treat them dirty. Every aspect of the Game has its issues. But creating more issues with short sighted changes is not fun. Like I said, it makes the problems worse :cocktail:

Unable to be a part of active Guilds because some members of the PvP Community don’t want to wait in a 25 minute BG Que, hardly seems “minor” :cocktail:

We already went over this. Due to the Paladin and Shaman clash, it is unlikely. And, aren’t you the one with the “bright” ideas? Clearly, you haven’t and aren’t willing to put forth the effort into figuring it out, to get what you want, so why should Blizzard? :cocktail:

Play defense. Problem solved.

All I can hear is the sounds of a Turtle from Horde.

There are 3 possibilities. 1) Shamans and Paladins don’t get to change faction. 2) Shamans become Paladins, Paladins become Shamans. 3) Shamans and Paladins are just able to select any other class. Gear would be the issue at that point, which raises its own issues. 1) Exchange tier items for same tier items of new class with same item level. 2) All gear deleted, or replaced with greens for their class.

If they don’t get Faction changes, like the other Classes do, I can’t imagine anyone playing those classes (except the ones that will really stick it out). Not to mention, on top of your faction lock, and those two Classes being faction tied will deplete those classes :cocktail:

That’s when we run into Gear Problems, which you addressed, later, and I’ll get to :cocktail:

And the only Class with a free Class change that comes with the faction change. We’ve never had Class changes, ever :cocktail:

Yep, changing the concept of faction restricted classes comes with more problems to fix :cocktail:

Just the Tier Items? See, Shamans can’t wear Plate, so how would they convert their non-tier items? :cocktail:

Again, Shamans can’t wear plate, so what kind of Greens are they getting? That, and this falls back to not wanting to Faction Change, just to lose their progress or even bother. Depleting these Classes :cocktail:

IK with Character Boosts, you get basic greens, for your class, that’s only available for boosted characters. So, are we then having to make specialized gear, for factioned changed Paladins and Shamans? :cocktail:

See how quickly we just changed the game, here? :cocktail:

Ultimately, it comes down to allowing Class changes which is something that isn’t even in Retail :cocktail:

In a pug you’re getting a turtle regardless. If you want to join a discord, they are available

Or… horde could simply stop crying and load up their discord…

This is what the Alliance AV discord does; it’s a group who’s goal is winning.

The “Alliance” who do not participate in discord are usually really bad and want to get carried, cant follow the most simplistic directions and are for the most part 100% clueless and bad.

And that’s the long and short of it my dead friend.


Imagine being so full of s@## that you honestly think any Alliance think you gaf about them.

Let’s rewind three weeks to when you didn’t have any issues that effected Horde and thus had zero reason to try to appeal to Alliance and instead could treat them like garbage.

Was it ‘you poor Alliance, it really sucks that we outnumber you and are camping you 24/7 with packs that are 5x your size, making it impossible to do anything in the world and adding half hour corpse runs to reach dungeons’, or was it ‘reroll or quit’.

It was reroll or quit. The nerve to follow up that with insincere concern for Alliance that are getting outnumbered in AV is comical- nobody is going to fall for that.

Horde tried to ruin the game in phase two- taking sadistic glee in players quitting the game even as it ruined server balance and future queues.

You honestly seem to think we’ve forgotten phase two. Y’know, when Horde formed raids to prevent players from being able to play, told them to reroll and toss away their time investment- and harmed both sides as you now have queues and many Alliance quit the game.

No you aren’t, not for Alliance anyway- you’re as usual focused solely on

Horde, same thing.

It’d fix literally nothing for Alliance- we’d still have our ruined servers after phase 2, players that won’t be coming back, and severe imbalance for those that remain. This would do absolutely nothing to fix that- all it would do is help Horde.

AV discord is barely the tip of an ice berg compared to Horde in phase 2- it’s a minor nuisance for Horde to face compared to being overwhelmed by sheer numbers and unable to do anything in the world.

Maybe take some time to think about what got you here- if this minor inconvenience is what breaks the Horde, then you would have shattered if you were on the other end during phase 2.

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So…something like…oh…I don’t know…a Deserter debuff?

This is what I don’t get… Why is winning in AV even important. If you lose in 10 minutes with 2.5k honor isn’t that better than winning in an hour with 4k? I know which one I’d take every single time

This, the real issue here is they implemented imo the worst iteration of AV for the honor system.

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And this right here is how participation trophies has ruined multiple generations.

Winning comes before anything, including honor points and rep.

If you don’t mind being the loser, Alli should sit in their cave and let the horde coast to victory.


Lol the alliance have goals. There’s no point to doing something without direction.

Our stated goal is honor and winning is bonus honor but not at the expense of time. Believe it or not the alliance and horde aren’t competing with each other in this pvp system but rather competing with our own factions. So yeah I’d take 6 losses at 2.5k honor over 2 wins at 4k honor in the same time span, because that’s winning what matters.

Too bad the horde is busy beating their chests and yelling zug zug to do some simple maths.

Or they just want to play the game not on Discord. Wouldn’t say they’re bad because of that.

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