AV Discords are ruining the experience

There’s times when Discord and unity can create a positive example of people coming together for a common goal - this isn’t it: It hurts other Alliance players as well as Horde. Alliance players get shunted often into matches against 40 Horde with only 10-20 Alliance players, because of players in AV Discords abandoning to requeue and get a high-pop match with fellows in the Discord. A lot has been said already about the Horde and our queue times, but this is heinous, it’s an activity that harms both sides to fulfill the greed of those who clique together and damage the time investment of many more than themselves.

I’m suggesting a method to help curb this issue, where if a Battleground match is left, it provides a debuff that prevents requeing for 2-5minutes, so AV nutjobs and sociopaths can’t just requeue instantly to fish for the one their people are in.

That’s all, and it’d fix so much, beyond asking the impossible and the return of the true AV experience, with epic battles and a feeling of accomplishment, instead of this poor excuse of PvE/PvP that ruins the social atmosphere of players and expectations of war in our World of Warcraft.

-Mister Dryster


I actually don’t care if I get into a bad AV. Yeah it’s not ideal but I’ll get some quick honor and then afk if it’s really bad. Insta queues.

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I love it when the Discord premade doesn’t queue up, and the AV is filled up of the discards of Alliance, providing easy 5K honor wins for Horde. Keep it up alliance!


No. 1.12 is ruining the experience.


Sounds like you could use a vacation, you seem to be taking this stuff way too seriously


Blizzard doesn’t care one second lol

We’ve been posting about it for weeks and they haven’t said anything

Like how hard is it to be “OK sure we made a mistake let’s bring the old AV back”



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I love how the horde all of a sudden care about these poor alliance characters.
Your ploy is easily seen through.
Blizzard isnt fixing your ques or allowing group join in AV


Horde player created problem. If half of you rerolled or quit it would fix the problem.


Tl;dr: Won’t someone think of the poor orphaned Alliance!?!


I actually agree. All day yesterday I was stuck with fifteen to twenty alliance members in the first two to three minutes of most AVs, resulting in silly turtles that lasted forty-five minutes to an hour. Normally resulting in no LT, Galv, or Drek kills, no towers burnt, zero bonus honor and horde winning with 3k honor compared to what horde we could kill with the dysfunctional alliance gaggle.

So why do I need quick AVs? Because the players in premade AVs get games that only last seven to eight minutes resulting in huge honor gains per hour. I know this as I was lucky to be the rando in two premade AVs yesterday and I ended up with 2k to 3k honor plus what they mowed down in kills from horde attempting to stop the win. It is quick and easy honor gains for the pre-makers.

Everyone else suffers through hour long plus AVs with crap honor. So, someone who just did pre-mades all day could earn 200k honor a day, which I have seen it on at least 20 players on my server. Someone like myself with a 40-hour work week job only gets about 3 to 4 hours of game play a day during the week and maybe 16 hours, if I sacrifice life with the family on the weekends. No way casual players can even come close to competing. At least stopping or coming up with some solution to AV pre-mades will at least make the gap a little smaller… And honestly I just want to see some of the so called “elitist” suffer like the rest of us, but maybe having a few more of these “elitist” in normal AVs may actually improve the odds of winning…. Maybe…

Honestly though, all of this is moot when those few players reach grand marshal and don’t go HAM all day to get honor. The standings will hopefully become more normal and normal players can get the standing to get the points to level in ranking. I just you know wanted to get commander before next Christmas.

I know I know what some of you are thinking, but its wow classic I should enjoy the long battles in AV like true AV used to be; Bring back the two-day long AVs. Please stop with that true classic bandwagon because let’s be honest A. you might just be a troll. And B. you have to be mental if you liked forty-eight-hour long AVs. Maybe cool for like two seconds, but it just plain… Bad.

P.S. FOR THE LOVE OF ALLIANCE Bring back Duel Spec… Your killing me with the gold repec.


Or, (and oh how I know I’m gonna get trolled for this) Blizz could go back to only supporting voice chat clients that don’t give distinct advantages such as these. As it’s drastically changed how the “community” is and ergo the game.

The level of hypocrisy regarding this is nothing short of appaling. On one hand, everyone is calling for addons that “change the social functions orignially intended in the game” to be broken, by “community members” & Blizzard. So they mess with alot of addons that have been around since Vanilla itself without issue, but yet these same people have no issue using Discord which drastically alters social interaction, neuters it in game, in fact (ultimately) and Blizz supports it. So it’s evident that Blizz is simply being trolled into submission (again, yet Blizz accepts it); yet Discord is “okay”…makes sense. Now I’ll wait for the froth to come my way…


Translated for you.


Uh Blizzard never ever supported any third party voice chat program. Blizzard has absolutely zero control over any third party voice chat system players choose to use.


“Uhm”…way, way back when, you could only use Blizzard’s in game voice client. It didn’t last long, then they’d only support one (maybe? 2 others). I vividly recall the salt on the foums at that time, because “others weren’t supported”.

Eh…at least IME I seem to run into an AV premade every so often. They are not that big of a nuisance…sometimes you just get rolled.

As far as I’m concerned breaking ally premades would hurt the honor farm dream if that’s your goal.

Like you talking 04 or something when voice comms were young? I know blitz introduced their own comm that no one even touches on retail but that was like…cata or mop days?

Otherwise there’s no way to stop people from using vent, mumble, discord, or whatever. Ever since I’ve played the game there was always an outside program for voice.

We both know that never actually happens…

Blizzard never supported any third party chat software.


blizzard are able to fix this easy , only allow first place available to join av , no game number