AV Cave Rez situation

They have to use it that way because the games already over when we can finally go south.

Because of the issues above.

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There are plenty of games where this isn’t true. There are plenty of games where Alliance push and capture objectives south. The issue is that once you have captured them, the Alliance don’t recognize when Horde have zug zugged north soon enough to have 10-15 recall in time to accomplish the hold at the choke.
Ask Scotpollard about it. I am sure he can tell you all about the issues with Alliance not recalling either in time or with enough strength to hold that choke while the main group wins the game.

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played 1 game today calling strats

another massive W

I am 4-2 so far this weekend.

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It’s almost like AV weekend has the good alliance players come back!


I was 329-0 this AV weekend.

Making up numbers with no evidence is hard.

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You don’t even play AV any more so how would you know it’s current state for AV weekend? Your just here to complain.

I screenshot two of the games

…but I am passed the point of “having something to prove” because I don’t really care what some trolls on the forum think that don’t even play AV anymore

I am having fun IN GAME. Btw fire mage is awesome in AV and my gear is getting better.

2 losses, but both games horde dominated KD.

2nd game everyone was doing well following strats. We held them off for 30ms before losing SH and the IB GY soft cap. We only had 3 people with positive KD.

4-4 this weekend

night games noticeably more fun

One thing that is to alliance advantage right now is that horde pugs are predictable. They will zug zug SH. Will alliance defend SHGY? Will they go for SFGY? Will they go for IBGY? Will they try to hold two gys? Alliance need to use horde predictability against them. There are still map disadvantages to overcome, but knowing what horde will do every time can be used against them. It’s been fun watching alliance do just that.


If you take IB GY it turns the choke point against them.

Then just have 10 or more recall for perma D if SH goes down.


Sure, as soon as all changes to AV are reversed.


ending the weekend 5-8

it’s the players


You only squeaked out 13 games, and despite your puffery you didn’t even break 40% of your otherwise very small sample size, with all of your wins being exceptionally drawn out games.

This makes the exact opposite point you’ve been trying to make this entire time.

But well done… on the self-own that is.


Or maybe horde queue times are finally getting to them and they’re not playing scorched earth as often.

Either way it has nothing to do with his non existent strategy.

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Either way, Alliance don’t resurrect in their cave until there is no outpost.

So why are Horde resurrecting there after their first GY is taken?

This is being left broken on purpose, just like this poor excuse of AV was added because it benefited Horde.

Look at the AV fixes.

They removed premade because they mainly benefited Alliance.

The base jumping exploits mainly benefited HORDE and I rarely saw Alliance base jumping into the Horde base. We just rode into it.

Druids were broken that long?

Seems Blizzard does the “tit-for-tat” balance system but hasn’t changed the obvious Cave res issue because they know the Horde will start LOSING a lot more but they are perfectly OK with Horde winning 99% of the time.

I imagine Blizzard will fix the cave when they figure out a way to still screw over the Alliance.

That’s how true superiority works after all.

It’s not about being good or skilled.

It’s about shouting you’re superior, then using power to oppress others so they don’t rise above you.

Other than AV weekends I’m not, and I encourage all Alliance TO STOP PLAYING ALTERAC VALLEY.



continues to post about win ratio


So basically you want more wins and QUICK wins. Heaven forbid AV games last long enough for you to discount wins based on time spent.

Did you just actually present the sealing of the base backdoors as more beneficial to horde than alliance?

Continues to dismiss anyone, regardless of faction, who does not toe the defeatist line.


how would you know how long my games are

only a forum troll could see going from a 5% win ratio to a 40% win ratio as a “self-own”

my losses had nothing to do with the map, and everything to do with the players

each game I learn something new and and I contiually find ways to improve upon my strats, contingencies… coaching possibly? Alliance could use some heavy coaching.


Your hilarious screen shots and/or posts show 45min - 2 hr games.

n = 13
Insufficient data

Better yet, you’re so quick to crow about your wins yet you leave off the majority of your losses, so I have zero reason to trust any of the “data” you actually supply.

“My driving has nothing to do with being blind, people just refuse to get out of my way!”

You’ve proven thus far to only be the kind of person that thinks yelling nonstop about every flag change and movement of Horde equates to “leadership” or correlates with win/loss. The one person here who can verify how you do or don’t behave in a BG already undermined your entire argument: you only won that game because the Horde were so mindlessly stupid and underpowered that Alliance could pull a win after a very long and hard slog. Further, the same poster noted that Alliance don’t lack for people trying, so your “coaching” advice is hilariously off as well.

The map is the problem. No amount of anecdotal nonsense about 1-2 hr slogs against brain dead Horde changes that, rather it only reinforces the point.

Thanks for trying, but you’re not really any more useful here than Misadventure or Redhead, and your posts have been on par with suggesting Ram Team 7 is the real power. /shoo