Alliance in AV need to turtle

This cannot be posted enough.

It is even hinted at in posts by the defeatists who clearly view wins that are too long, not worth counting.
To wit:

Imagine that. AV games that are long, but are alliance wins.

Noted rabid supporter of v1.12 AV, Zyrius. Also known for advising the very “meta” he now decries as “sCoRcHeD eArTh” to those who did not want AV in classic to be a race.
Captain of the defeatist cheerleader squad.

Oh hi, that would be me. It is comically easy to cap the alliance base towers, as it is rare for any alliance to be there on D. Horde could do it even more easily in the horde base. For some reason the stealth mechanic does not work the same for them.