AV after the "Fixes"

Call it whatever you want. The literal definition of what Alliance was doing is:

  • make use of (a situation) in a way considered unfair or underhand.

The above also happens to be the definition of: Exploit.


not as fail as chosing human race and having an opinion in a pvp thread.

Wow so witty of the the side wining 99.9%. Can I subscribe to your RSS feed?

I dont play AV anymore. I hit my rank 10 two weeks ago. I play WSG for fun now, but I do enjoy alliance losing and blaming map instead of afkers in their caves. So fun.

git gud, learn to play without cheating

Thanks for your response.

I’m going to respond to it like this:

The issue you mention is actually a symptom of the actual problem:

The map.

Ok troll. See you later.

Probably depends on the day and time.

The issue is a symptom of instant que times for allies making it more effective to honor farm by getting the lieutenants then loosing and going to the next game than playing a 1 hour+ match for a win.

Nice try though.

It’s not a troll… i play WSG because I am part of organized WSG group. Keep crying tho.

Because the obvious map advantage the horde have…

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No, because you can get more honor in 10 minute games farming the lieutenants then going to the next game than trying to win for 1+ hours because of the fast que meaning there is almost no downtime to lieutenants farming…

Keep your dream though I guess?

Yea. It ain’t about honor per hour. Literally no one but lolrankers cares about that.

Attempting to cling to an advantage by pointing out the fact that the Alliance can just afk for better rewards is absolutely indicative of the only actual real issue in AV.

Map imbalance.

I can do this all day.

I agree Motivation is an issue and it causes people to just stop fighting and it is not even at the Cave, they are there at SH even, as soon as the first Alliance thrust doe snot get what they want to get, 10 people stop fighting not even rezing. If you open the map they show up there but if you look around the are not.

By the time we are at SP we are down to 10-15 people actually fighting.

At least in most of the games I played in the last month.

Lets move the alliance cave closer to SH at the top of crossroads.

The original cave fix would be easier to implement. The one that pushed the horde cave back and fixed spawn timers/numbers.

Of course, I’m not one to nitpick. They simply need to fix this trainwreck.

This is not as intended? I thought both caves spawned people at the same rate. is it not the case?

Keep in mind every “ranker” might have their own guidelines to how high they go. I’m not pushing for Rank 14 and have a job. If I can gain ranks I’m completely fine with wherever I end up. No need to attack people who don’t have jobs because I don’t think that’s constructive. A lot of people work from home or have trusted individuals run their business for them.

Thanks for weighing in.

Given how much damage rankers have done with their “guidelines” (read scorched earth policy, gy camping, cave camping, boat camping, fp camping) I really, truly couldn’t care less about them.

Correct but more importantly, the faction doesn’t care about winning a particular AV once the initial SF / IBGY rush is done because they can instantly get into another game while if you do lose your game, congrats you queued for an hour for the privilege and very little honor.

This is why people ride all the way back from Dun Baldar to IBT game after game. Because losing a tower matters when its a significant chunk of the honor you get for a game and you may get 2 AVs per day.

People who don’t defend are called out, their servers trashed in bg chat. In any game you’ll have 5 to 8 people who will sacrifice getting honor with the zerg in order to defend bunkers / retake towers.

Why? not because we’re noble but because these things matter if you’re playing 2 AVs a day. The moment a single bunker matters to the entire pug and not just the few die-hards who try recapping,


Your right, only lolrankers care about honor per our. But when you get 5-10 of them per AV it has an impact on your team’s performance.