I would like if you were correct. But that is not my experience.
The Majority of my AV’s in the last month have been :
“All rush IBGY”… where Alliance gets slaughtered, and loses SH in the process…and we are fighting at SP within 5-10 minutes of the Game starting.
At that point we are often 10-15 people actually fighting and everyone else stops fighting.
How do you explain this behavior?
I had a few even where the LEader chat was calling for
“All go south, do not defend, do not cap anything Kill LT’s and lets the horde win for a fast game maximum honor”…
How do you explain that?
I had very few Games where all the raid fought and followed some kind of GY capturing plan.
This one here helped:
But it happened maybe 5 times in a month.
How do you explain that?