Autostrafing bug

I have already posted about this a couple of times, but I’m reporting it here, since I believe this is one of the official channels for bug reports.

Since 10.1 launched, mouses with strafe left/right bound to mouse button 4/5 are having a problem with autostrafing.

Autostrafing starts when you press the mb4 or 5 to strafe, and at the same time, press the right mouse button. To stop, you have to press the same strafe button by itself.

Before 10.1, this was never an issue. Today, it’s breaking for what appears to be a lot of people, and it’s really annoying, as this how I (and I assume a lot of people) have been playing for years … for me, it’s to the point where it’s so engrained in how I play, it’s automatic.

Really really hope this gets fixed, as learning a completely new way to move my character because of a bug that should be fixed, seems pretty ridiculous.


I am having the same issues… I hope this gets fixed… Tanking with this bug makes it extremely difficult!!

I’m having the same issue. Not going to play until this is resolved. I strafe a lot.

Same here. Bliz fix this!! … following

I wanted to provide an update. I spent some time trying new ways to adjust my movement both with and without mb4 and mb5 bound to strafe.

When trying to make strafe work still bound to mb4 and mb5, it just doesn’t work. it’s too much a of a liability. I noticed that depending on how you click one of the buttons with right mouse button, the player gets stuck. I mean, you stop strafing, you then press strafe again and you don’t move, or you move in the opposite direction. You then have to play with the strafe buttons again to strafe in the direction you want and then press the button again to stop. It’s just kind of a mess, and not worth it.

I then unbound my strafe buttons from mouse, and this also is really bad. This means I have to go back to using my keyboard to strafe, which makes movement way more clunky and obnoxious with how my keybinds are. This in turn would make consider rebinding half my abilities … which have been bound to the same spot for just as many years as mb4 and mb5 have been bound to strafe (since WoD I think).

Essentially, without fixing this bug, I’m required to change and get used to a completely different way of playing the game, and quite frankly, I don’t have the time (or desire).
The way I have been playing is too engrained and so much more efficient compared to other ways I remember playing.

Bump. Same problem here

Just saw that a WoW update went through today and tried a skirmish. Strafe problem still happening. Not fixed.

Same, I run by holding both mouse buttons and strafe with side buttons and it’s almost unplayable. Especially in pvp because you get stuck strafing while trying to fear or do damage and the second or two that it takes to manually press the button again makes you die a lot. I even got flamed earlier because of that happening in Solo Shuffle.


odds of us getting a fix anytime soon? this isn’t the first time… this has happened it seems like every major patch.

having the issue as well, its gonna be hard to change out i play if this doesnt get fixed

Bumping this … the bug still persists and raiding with or without my m4 and m5 buttons programmed to strafe is still an awful experience. A Blizzard Blue mentioned the team recognized the bug and they are working on. Any update?

I’ve been experiencing a similar problem for the past two weeks. I don’t specifically have strafe mapped to M4/M5 buttons. I do have them remapped to Q/E and use a mouse with M4/M5 buttons. I do have Autorun set to mouse wheel up. I saw a fix was pushed, but it does not seem to have made a positive change on my end.

Same here.