Automation + Auto Kick + Auto Grounding + AI vs Rated PvP

My dude, it is the best $29.99 you will ever spend. I use my mouse for ALL computer games now. There are zero games that require it, but outside of maybe old school runescape it can benefit everything. I can feed a baby in one hand and play games in another. It’s the investment of a lifetime.

good way to get carpal tunnel. those mouses put a large amount of strain on one hand.

Because it’s nice. :dracthyr_comfy_sip: Also not required.

I like them for low frequency buttons, so none of the spammy stuff.

I will do what I must

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gigachad gamer.

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Hello, can you assist us in making this work. I’m having trouble fitting it without a 3rd party program due excessive characters and errors.

local unit, immolate = “target”, “Immolate”
local immolate_duration, immolate_targets = GetDebuffRemaining(unit, immolate), {}

– Get a list of all enemies in range
local enemies = UnitInRadius(“player”, 100, “harm”)

– Iterate over the list of enemies and add them to the immolate_targets list if they don’t already have Immolate on them
for i, enemy in ipairs(enemies) do
local enemy_immolate_duration = GetDebuffRemaining(enemy, immolate)
if not enemy_immolate_duration or enemy_immolate_duration < 10 then
immolate_targets[#immolate_targets + 1] = enemy

– If there are any enemies in the immolate_targets list, then target the first one and cast Immolate on them
if #immolate_targets > 0 then

You type like such a facebook boomer.

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I need to change my keyinds towards something like that.

Just tested this on shaman and wow its crazy hopefully it gets fix soon

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Funny how all those top pvp streamers have long script macro’s they use and keep it in their inner circle. Stuff like this just proves how stupid macro’s can be and who knows how long people have used them. Hell, world first raiders people pay folks that know all the details of making custom scripts/macros that basically push stuff for you…who knows what they got for pvp?


Time for no addon no macro servers.


Do we really need more people to test this?

They could market it as “Classic” WoW PvP.


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Hopefully it’s goodbye to macros in the near future. Really only focus macros and modifer macros should exist, to stomach how outdated the game’s engine and gameplay is.

Add-ons also need to be reined in. Long overdue for a lot of flagship offenders to be implemented in-game and standardized. It’s even crazy that we’re only just now getting an in-game BG timer next patch.

Being able to pimp out your HUD and UX was cool a decade ago but now it’s a glaring quality control issue. This is an MMORPG not a Bethesda single player made for modding.

so i got curious and put a ticket in regards to macros. And of course they refuse to answer. Not surprised at all.

Thank you for contacting Blizzard Support and we are sorry that it took us some time to come back to you.

I can understand that you would want to be sure that certain macro is allowed before using it, but please keep in mind that Blizzard Customer Support cannot assist with addons usage, key-binds, or macro configurations. This includes creating, installing or recommending addons or verifying macros.

You may find help from other players in our dedicated Game Forums instead:<>
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation on that one.

Best regards,

GM Lourithea
Customer Service
Blizzard Entertainment

At this point blizz needs to either come out and tell us if it’s fair to use these automation macros or if it’s not.

The people who use them have a huge advantage over the people who think they’re playing by the rules so blizz need to clarify their official stance on this.


If we need to be explicitly told if it’s fair or not to use automation macros so our kicks will never be juked and our HoJs will never get grounded…

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We need them to take an official stance because I’ve seen many people trying to defend it.

I don’t want them in the game but it’s blizzards call.

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It’s clearly not intentional, which usually puts it into exploit territory. Whether they action people, or even have any way of knowing who is abusing this, is another story.


thats discipline and its part of skill, macros that take the thinking out also take out the discipline. meaning macros give players rating they would not have if they didn’t have self discipline.

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