Automation + Auto Kick + Auto Grounding + AI vs Rated PvP

That doesn’t work anymore.

Simple google searches lead you to various bots that include RNG functionality to defeat this.

The client side needs protection, cannot rely solely on server-side.

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I don’t know who you’re watching. But, you do know that this is not mutually exclusive, yeah?

You can use both. And you don’t need a macro for mouseover to work, it is built into some of the custom UI addons. For instance, Bartender provides mouseover and auto assist casting, you just have to turn it on.

sorry I went crazy on you then.

But there’s your answer. You can’t condense it unless you use a macro compiler and a mix of what I said above.

Generally a macro compiler addon allows you to write longer macros which CAN fit all of that in. But again, to get away w/ any of that you need to do some memory injection OR provide a compromised execution environment. (3rd party programs can provide you that, such as GSE when you take it to it’s most heinous form.)

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Somebody who is smart enough with splunk and reverse engineering could probably run one of the ele or rogue scripts and then plug what the output looks like into splunk and then have it parse all of the arena logs that they still have. With ele, you would also probably have to manually try to do the same thing as the script and identify whatever conditions fairly consistently aren’t missed enough with the script to possibly be manually done. I’m not well versed enough in ele to go much further than that, but the rogue one would be a lot easier because it is a glorified castsequence.

If any kind of lua/console output happens when one of the scripts fails to identify something, like if it’s looking for grounding totem and there is no shaman, that would also be something that you could 100% catch someone with. I.e. why is anything at all logging an event related to grounding totem.

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I now actually got around to testing some parts of it, and the reason it doesn’t work for you is because you copy pasted it and it’s in preformatted text and not in code blocks, so the formatting caused an invisible error

If you rewrite it exactly as is, it will work.

im not touching it after that 1 test lmao

One thing that also kind of stands out to me with the ele example… Like there is MASSIVE abuse potential for something like that in m+. If pvp folks know about them, I’ll bet the problem is just as bad if not worse in m+. It’s also probably not the only spec that works better when you can conditionally cast one spell or the other “perfectly” without having to think about it and/or with buffs and procs that realistically happen too fast/mid global/on the fly for you to execute perfectly like that.

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Ban all frequent users. Surely they can track how many times a macro has been used.


This needs to go. Just remove all the possible ways for this “automations”, please.


How is that possible with abilities that have global cooldowns? Autohotkey is simply pressing those keybinds in a normal rotation with the global cooldown in the middle. All it’s really doing is reducing the amount of keystrokes you have to press, but the global cooldown is still there. This should be a big hint to Blizzard… reduce keybind bloat.

As for keybinds without global cooldowns… we already have in-game swifty macros that are permitted.

Like I said before, Blizzard will need to properly design the game around Autohotkey. I don’t think it’s something they can stop unless they can physically detect it without all the voodoo guessing nonsense.

Like 99% of things have keystrkoe loggers. Even if it doesn’t go through it sends a ping to the system that is tracked. Having a GCD does not matter.

Okay, fair enough. I’m not familiar with that.

But it would have little effect on people who are keeping the global cooldown between each of their 4 keybinds. Those people would be nearly impossible to detect. These people are basically creating castsequence macros with fewer limitations so I don’t really think it is the end of the world.

If I’m understanding Venruki’s video, the problem with the keystroke stuff is that you can set it up to account for procs. Basically, the user has less decisions to make because they’re being automatically handled. That’s beyond the capabilities of a castsequence macro.

With a castsequence macro, you can’t have it cast one spell if a proc is up and another spell if the proc isn’t up.

That’s why Ele shammies can’t do max DPS with just a normal castsequence macro. With the keystroke stuff that automatically takes advantage of procs, they can.

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I think it’s all the addons that help you track procs which makes it much easier to set up the keystrokes. I don’t think autohotkey alone does anything to directly help with procs. Eliminate addons and many problems would go away.

Or here’s an idea, how about elminating the limitations of castsequence macros in the game? Let people line up 10 spells in a row if they want with the global cooldowns inbetween. And design the game around that instead of all these false limitations people can easily workaround whether they use autohotkey or their MMORPG mouse.

Fix inflation while you’re at it.


Bliz can pry my @cursor flare macro from my cold, dead hands


I use zero macros, all spells are key bound to mouse and KB.

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wrong it’s pressing they keys faster than human reaction
typically while slamming a key or keys you’re overshooting the global by a small margin on almost every press and or missing procs on some specs

in PvE for example using ahk will result in 15-20% MORE ability uses over an 8 minutes fight by erasing human error/lag time

it’s literally botting


I think blizz added a way in your settings to make everything @cursor. It’s safe :joy:

Interface Options > Combat, we can select a new option called Unit Frame Mouseover Casting.

@mouseover and @cursor are not the same.