Automation + Auto Kick + Auto Grounding + AI vs Rated PvP

I have a conspiracy theory that a lot of these boosters are just the top players on a different account. Especially the ones who are good enough to carry you to 2400.

There’s no risk if they do it that way and they make enough money to live on. Have you ever seen the prices on some of these boosting sites?

No proof of anything, just a feeling really.

It’s not a conspiracy, it’s quite a common trend among many video games. People do it to abuse MMR by trying to generate a smurf on fresh account before tryharding. It’s an abuse that makes it easier to gain rank when you want to gain rank, ie, say, when boosting is going to occur.

Pretty sure macros are handled server side. And macros made per user have macroIDs. I would really really hope there is a creation date and edit history per macro for blizz to know when these people first started using these conditionals.

In which case they should redistribute rewards in prior pvp seasons without said cheaters.

Also y’all should start looking into autohotkey and razer synapse.

I mean, Precog shouldn’t be in the game, so I understand why people would go to lengths to find macros such as these, but This mad lad went and told everyone how to do it which is ammusing.

Easy fix, Fix these scripts. Get a better AHK detection system for the game.


This has been an issue before precog…

Are people seriously sourcing 4chan to flame each other in this thread?

:dracthyr_no1: :dracthyr_no2:

Edit: Apparently this thread has officially gone down the toilet.

Edit 2: Mods should just lock this thread, people can’t behave.


It’d be pretty cool to see a bunch of people get knocked off the ladder. The sentiment that I’m getting right now is that people aren’t gonna get in trouble and that it’s just gonna get fixed so curious to see how it goes.

they should be on the server side, I have rebuilt my machine several times, and I have macros there from years ago I never deleted and some are still intact.

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Oh, did it already get fixed?

Yeah it’s been about 5 years since I moved to my current machine and I was like 90% sure they got ported over.

But anyways that’s good news provided blizz has edit history on such things.

Bro i tested it and posted the results in the discord lmao

Somehow for me the macro doesnt work. I punched in pummel and it doesnt work. Regardless of casting state or not it kicks, so it gives precog

But idk when the thread came up i think blizzard did something

Pretty sure base ui has default on functionality to auto target the nearest enemy when you cast an offensive spell. So it clearing a target probably doesn’t mean anything if you don’t disable it auto targeting and casting anyway.

Interesting. I was wondering if there was gonna be fewer casters for a few days.

Apparently. :dracthyr_tea:


*shares starbucks mocha coffee wiff everyone and kaivax * there coffeee party :coffee: :coffee: :coffee: :coffee: :coffee: :coffee: :coffee: :coffee: :coffee: :coffee: :coffee:


The only thing this thread did is make it 1000% worse.

Locks and shami landing every kick like they’re AWC champs.

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Good, now they have no choice

So going from 80-0 was the work of these said macros?? (Within seconds of a game starting)

who goes 80-0 within a few seconds of the game starting? i’ve probably only died in the opener a small handful of times.

Honestly its not cheating if you write the macro or use the script its in the game. Its a skill issue if you dont know how to utilize the game to its fullest extent. Top tier plays are top tier because they under stand how to play the game at a top tier level. Sub 1500 plays think it’s cheating cause they probably still mouse click spells lol

You seem upset about this.