Automation + Auto Kick + Auto Grounding + AI vs Rated PvP

Yeah, but nobody will ever call it that.

I mean, the people who make game rules should either enforce them or not make rules. If intentionally abusing a known broken game mechanic is a thing that they’re going to action people on (they have), they should be consistent about it. The fact that they’ve let those abilities stay bugged for so long is more of a problem though because people have been abusing them for so long with no consequence. If you let people do stuff for a long time and don’t communicate super clearly about where a line is, everyone feels like it’s not actually against the rules and they have to cheat too.

What about all the Mages who blinked out of my spear

Can I get a refund on my CR

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No CR, straight to jail.

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I’m guilty of this with soulshape on pretty much every night fae I had. To me this fits under the “clever use of game mechanics” box :joy:

I really really hate spear

Is this stuff what high end players are using or is this kind of crap less common? It makes me wonder if some of these rank 1 players are less talented than they seem. Especially if this has been possible pretty much forever. I play with zero addons and I know it hurts my progression really bad but, I just don’t like the idea of having to alter the game to give myself an advantage. Feels cheesy to me.

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Look at the 2s ladder and see all the players with a 95%+ win rate…

I’m not saying they’re guilty but to me it’s really really fishy to win 200 and only lose 5.

I could understand like an 80% win rate but upper 90s just seems unrealistic when mmr is matching you against “equally skilled” opponents.

Or maybe they’re just that good?

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Yeah. Actually, though. :dracthyr_comfy_sip: Ever sit a 5 minute queue at 2400 mmr to get split in half by magnus/dno?

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I’m not saying anyone is cheating and I’m certainly not saying they’re bad.

I’m just saying it’s really suspicious looking to a normie like me.

Yet to be determined.

Also unknown. They have made a lot of UI changes this expansion, and a lot of this scripting activity is more or less tied to targeting, which is a UI function.

The answers to these questions need to be heavily considered in the actions that Blizzard decides to take. If these script functions only just became usable/unlocked in one of these recent patches, then it should definitely fall in the category of “hey, we know that we let you do this, but you knew that you weren’t supposed to be able to do this and used it over and over”. Kind of like when they restored that guys account in BC and accidentally gave him a GM dagger that instantly kills stuff. It was their mistake, but the players account was still permanently banned for abusing the item. Or when they have retroactively removed achievements/drops from world first boss kills that abused unintended mechanics.

If this has been available to everyone forever, then more of the fault lies with blizzard not adequately controlling and communicating what players were supposed to be able to do within the parameters of the rules. I am poking at Kennie as a metaphor to this situation. Turtle has been bugged for a long time and lots of people have been abusing it. It is not plausible to go back and punish everyone who has intentionally used one of these mechanics that have been broken since turtle has existed, and there just wasn’t enough authoritative communication along the way to dissuade him from using a mechanic that technically worked.

Ofc. They play a meta comp also does the thing with full-time job commitment. Only part sucks is wow pvp is not that rewarding financially with that much time investment.

Can someone explain this like I’m a Rival II senior citizen ret Paladin? So there is sophisticated macros that basically play the game for you? Am I comprehending this correct?

Also, delete DH.


Yes Grandpop.

There’s a specially modified HoJ macro. If you use it, you will never HoJ into a grounding totem.

You can also make macros that ensure you never waste a kick to a juke

Usually either a combo of:

  • Scripting
  • Premade stack abusing low population
  • Win Trading
  • Cheaters bussing RMTers up in rank.

IMO, making glad-only mounts was a mistake. Just give a minor cosmetic mog recolor for 'em, and let them keep a title.

The exclusive mounts/cosmetics restricted to the top 0.5% of the ladder is too much for people to be able to play nice, play fair. It should just be kept to participation award based.

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2s doesn’t have rewards aside from generic stuff.

And yet people still feel the need to gain unfair advantage even there.

It’s the sunk cost fallacy driving it imo. People can’t fathom missing out on even minor flexes for a game they’re too invested in. If it’s not a participation grind or in the wow store, they just will cheat/rmt/boost towards their goal.

Uh, maybe? I haven’t seen anything in 2s for a while.

The top end of the pvp community is absolutely brutal. Those dudes treat it like a business…because for them it is.

It’s cutthroat and not even a little friendly.

Gestures at the level 10 throwaway toons in services channel that are on all the time spamming pvp boosts.

Also gestures at the group finder ads with rmt urls.