Automation + Auto Kick + Auto Grounding + AI vs Rated PvP

You do realize everything you can do with autohotkey you can also do with the typical 12 key MMORPG mouse? The only difference is autohotkey has an easier to use interface and you don’t have to worry about losing your work with autohotkey which can easily happen if your mouse breaks.

Are there any legitimate addons that clear your targets for you?

No, although I guess somebody could’ve always saved one of my screenshots then posed as me. :dracthyr_a1:

Covlol is a confirmed pirate. Arrrrrrr.



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Pressing one key and letting the game play for you is not cheating, its called a life hack for those of us with slow brains.

It’s automation which is against the rules and therefore cheating.

So if i put soda through a brita pitcher and drink it its healthy to consume? Life hack

Enjoy it while you can because blizz is looking into it.

Expect changes

WA foghorn ban pls

Dudes going crabbing like deadliest catch while in toviron arena like damn

I do love eating at IHOP!


Kennie, you call it cheating, I call it out sourcing…

Nice, a top tier peg leg joke :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Damn nice attempt at a fallback. Sad that it wont save you if youve been abusing it

I intentionally killed a druid through tranq with warbringer charge in sl s3.
Am I the bad guy


Let’s say they do action the people doing this…Will their ratings stay as is on the ladder or will they be removed?

Just wondering because it would be funny to get a SS of the top 100 before and after.

Elemental ladder instantly cut in half.


Oh theyll be tumbling down the LB like a boulder

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Not just a Boulder. A rock

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