Automation + Auto Kick + Auto Grounding + AI vs Rated PvP

Execute or Chaos Bolt killing a Hunter who turtled late is expected and intended.


Yeah but the one you bragged about was warbringer which is definitely not intended.

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What about this? :dracthyr_love_animated: Boop.


Yeah so like there is a line. Whazz could probably plausibly deny cheating by saying killing jaime through with blade flurry was an accident. You knowing that something behaves incorrectly and intentionally executing the break scenario over and over to win (like you said you did in SL) crosses the line from accident to intentional cheating.

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I have been informed that I am quite the menace. :dracthyr_uwu:


This is what i was getting at with the Bill Bellichick comment. Players will openly cheat and abuse unintended game mechanics until you stop letting them. You did a thing, it worked, so you kept doing it. Nobody stopped you, and you didn’t get in trouble, so it must not be against the rules?

What is different about using a script that works in the game in a way that seems a little bit too powerful and abusing a game mechanic that you know does not work properly? “Creative use of allowed functions” is not that much different from “creative use of lesser known unintended game interactions”.


I pressed my mobility button into a hunter with turtle up because I’m blind.

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You’re also on record stating that you intentionally abused this type of mechanic all through SL, not on accident, but because you knew that it worked that way and could use it to your advantage.


You say that like it was some kind of significant advantage.

The ability to kill something through a major defensive cooldown that is supposed to stop the thing that you killed them with is a pretty significant advantage imo.


It’s not my fault they aren’t familiar with how their own abilities function. Most Hunters aren’t.

Sounds like nervous cheater copium to me.


I wonder if the Hunters tried to explain to their healer how the animation for the turtle shell didn’t finish.

Wasn’t that classic?

needs fixed asap

kinda crazy how long people could have been doing this and kept it shhhhhhh


Probably not since the stuff will go through regardless of how long ago turt was cast.

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Shield Charge wreaking havoc on the Hunter population.

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It is absolutely far fetched to think that. In a game like this where you are not competing against one person there is only one way you can attempt to say something has gatekept you from your desired achievements and that’s if you have played perfectly. We all know it is humanly impossible to play perfect every time you play, these people are refusing to look into a mirror and grasping at anything they can to say “its not my fault I’m stuck here”. Absolutely trashcan mentality for the weak.


Would like to see punishment for cheaters who use this.

Maybe the first time could be a small one week ban as a warning, but if they get caught again you should have zero tolerance for it and either do 1yr or permaban. Cheaters are actively making the game less fun for everyone around them, anything short of a year ban will be a slap on the wrist to them.

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Gonna be interesting to see which addons, macros will break as as side effect of blizz fixing this

Maybe gatekept is the wrong word. I am just saying that if a lot of people were abusing these kinds of scripts, some of the roles would have been more negatively impacted than the others and enough outcomes could have changed due to their existence where the integrity of some cutoff ranges is probably impacted. I agree that that isn’t the same thing as saying “these people absolutely could not have done better because of these scripts existing”. Just in practice, it probably did actually impact some people on the ladder.

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