Automation + Auto Kick + Auto Grounding + AI vs Rated PvP

You said can we all stop freaking out and pretending that macros are gatekeeping. I think that it’s reasonable to be suspicious that use of this functionality is more widespread than not. People pride themselves on taking the Bill Bellichek approach and behaving as close to the “line” of the rules as possible, or crossing the lines in various grey areas that haven’t been explicitly acknowledged yet if they think they can get away with it or not be harshly punished.

Imagining paying $15 a month losing to “cheaters” for a while and they had to be exposed by the playerbase instead of the devs themselves…


This macro/script thing isn’t keeping anyone from their wanted achievements, pretending it is doing so is a weak mentality.

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Playing against abusers is how you get people to quit.


I think I’ve gone up in rating on a few chars because there have been fewer casters in my shuffles these past few days. :dracthyr_love_animated: :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: Maybe it’s just sample size but so far so good.


Pretty much this. The fact that devs see something they need to look into at all tells me things are happening that aren’t supposed to happen.

I wish the devs Godspeed in their efforts to fix these macros that play the game for you because they ruin the integrity of wow pvp.


Assuming you can tell there is an abuser, and assuming the abuse is wide spread. The biggest thing I’ve seen recently is the ele/lock dmg botts and I’ve maybe been able to identify a handful of them this entire expansion in my games.

:dracthyr_nervous_animated: me preparing to push on my MM hunter

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Whoa whoa whoa calm down satan.

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If thousands of people were Botting, I have a really hard time believing that less people than that have been abusing the script logic. Those people have entire discords for the sole purpose of sharing this kind of information. If it turns out that a significant portion of the top third of the ladder is guilty of it in one way or another, i think it is actually a pretty fair assessment that some players have been gatekept. Especially considering the way rating brackets have grouped themselves this season. Even more so when you consider the implications to solo shuffle where an individual could far surpass what you could do naturally with your kicks and stuff.


The people who got banwaved the last week of August from a paid cheat rotation bot probably were trying to find new things to abuse and is why this post probably exists now.

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oof you’re on edge today. hope you’re okay champ.

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Which is good, acting like it’s gatekeeping you from your desired achievements though is hilariously weak.

Ya man I’d totally be r1 if not for those pesky macro scripters! Lol.

wait till everyone finds out WWE is not real.


Think about healer players in solo shuffle that quit at 2k or 2200 with 1k+ games played. I don’t think it’s far fetched to postulate that the number of rounds won against them by players using this functionality could have been the difference in 200-400 rating. If it’s like 10 players then sure, nbd. If it’s thousands of players and a decent percentage of them are high rated, it definitely held some players back who didn’t cheat.

I’m gonna be approximately this rating regardless of whether people are cheating or not. I’m not consistent enough and I don’t play enough games to push much higher. I am in no way saying that I am personally gatekept. People one or two steps more competitive than me who play healer and caster roles more than I do might have somewhat of a case.


Wait till people realize that captain insano is actually the big show.


In Venruki’s video, there was also mention that other sketchy stuff might have been used in AWC competitions without any repercussions. Allegedly.

If that’s true, that’s troubling.


Whazz killed Jaime through turtle with blade flurry in the last awc gauntlet. As of last week, blizzard has reconfirmed that abilities like bf are not supposed to go through turtle.

The concerning part, imo, is the grey line between things like that which are definitely bugs, but can be plausibly denied (in terms of abuse) as incidental. There are probably a lot more of those types of interactions that the proletariat is not aware of.

They really have to be more proactive about shoring up those kids of bugs in addition to handling scripting functions that go too far imo. A lot of this has to go back to proper QA and release management. Things are pretty clearly not being adequately tested internally, either because their qa teams lack the intricate knowledge to even set up edge conditions or because they don’t have the resources for robust testing cycles before release.


Did a shuffle healer ask you why you turtled late or something


No but you are literally on record talking about abusing things that aren’t supposed to go through it on these forums. I think you referred to it as a “knee slapper”.

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