Auto gold ban

There is literally zero reason any BoE blue shoulf be listed for 200g+.

Selling any item for that much promoted RMT.

I totally support this auto ban and wish they would go even further.


Well I don’t know what to tell you but it absolutely happened on the large scale realms. It was even reported on.

Someone bought gold and got caught lol


So here is what is happening… They are running raids. They are putting worthless blues on the AH for the bid price and then “splitting the gold from this super valuable item”… This is the GDKP work around and they are getting banned for it like they should.


It absolutely didn’t happen. Earth is round, gravity exists and players can’t ban other players.

Game is dying and some people are like “BUT AT LEAST THERE IS NO GDKP HAHA”



Look I dislike GDKPs as much as the next guy, but my guild does Ulda often and this is a common thing that we do as well. We haven’t been banned yet, but I’ll be pretty upset if we do.

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The game isn’t dying. Cheaters got caught and were banned. Too bad, not sad.


It’s hilarious that people actually believe the reddit post. Did they ever post in Customer Support or are they too afraid of having the truth revealed?

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Sounds like RMT happened…


It is the exact opposite and why you can’t take stories like the OP as true.

People claiming that selling a BoE and splitting the proceeds among all the members is an attempt to circumvent the GDKP ban have lost the plot. The point of GDKP is for one of the players to obtain the item for gold–If the item is sold, nobody ‘bought’ the item.

Now, what you could have is a case where a person wants an item and in exchange they buy a BoE off the AH from that group for some amount and that gold is split among the remaining members–That is more of a work around but is not what is being claimed by those who have had actions taken against their account. I think this is likely what happened and since it’s so close to an honest 5-way split of a BoE sale, they thought they could get away with it.

Ok. I am sure that your assertion that it didn’t happen is definitely more correct than my assertion it did. I forgot you must be a representative of Blizzard and therefor don’t need to provide any justification for what amounts to “Nuh uh.”

Yeah, your claims that players can ban other players is definitely not correct. I could link you the blue post for the specific event you’re incorrectly remembering but you’re so far down the rabbit hole that no amount of evidence will convince you that you’re wrong.

If you actually read this, thought about it for two seconds and still decided that “Yeah, players can ban other players” then you’re just completely lost. You believe Blizzard implemented an automatic ban system that no one has ever seen work except when people want to ban an innocent player.


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switching sides

Yea I wouldn’t call this GDKP on the surface. But it certainly sounds like OP trying to be clever by circumventing and suggesting his sales were legit.

Why sell an item and split the costs with someone? Seems jank.


If you could you would. Talk like this is just someone that wants to be put on my permanent ignore list.

Not one said that it takes “Only a couple” of reports to trigger such an event. Obviously I don’t think a couple would. However if you were to say, idk, 300 reports. Then we might be talking about something else.

So by all means, please provide this blue post. Otherwise I will assume that your previous insult was against the CoC and an attempt to harass me and put you on ignore.

Please do. I’d rather just make common sense posts and not have to deal with the responses from people who have none.

Tfw the CS forums are also automated

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The laziness and cheapness of blizzard has long been their biggest problem and will continue to be. If you think they care about the player base, you’re delusional…

They care about profits.

SoD is some of the laziest design,
you have 90%+ of all runes are retail abilities or talents.
Same layering problems
Same lag filled servers with zero investment into hardware or anything other than old servers.
The new “raids” are just revamped dungeons…
Their plan for RMT is the laziest solution… chat ban GDKPs which is just putting the work on the players, introducing gold sinks which actually only hurt non RMTers.

Auto bans or squelches or whatever is a cancer to this game. Hold their feet to the fire to hire real people, like they used to, in order to actually deal with these issues.

The auto banning technology is lazy and highly inaccurate

Stop giving blizzard credit for work they aren’t doing

I will be and I will be reporting your posts that violate CoC. You seem like the kind of person that could use a nicer attitude and the kind of person that make these forums impossible to enjoy on any level.

That said, this is only evidence that the incident in response to that post was not automated bannings, HOWEVER it says absolutely nothing about automated bannings not resulting from reports. Merely that this instance was, and that you should not abuse the report system.

It is not the assertion you made it out to be. And with that, I will no longer be communicating with someone as disrespectful as yourself.