Authenticators Should Be Mandatory

No thanks. :grimacing: Also one of my favorite movies. They don’t make them that good anymore.

Riiight. Good bait.


How is anything here bait? I want all players to log in with authenticators. It is a serious issue and it’s probably going to happen anyway so why fight it?

Why do you think it should be mandatory? Do you think it stops someone from hijacking your blizzard account? Because it doesn’t. Even though that’s the whole purpose of it. There are so many ways around it that are well documented in various communities from social engineering due to how bad blizzard customer support is all the way to some Java script someone wrote that allows you to circumvent it pretty reliably.

Of course it doesn’t stop the spam. Authenticators can be virtualized and automated very easily.

Making them mandatory to do anything like now does nothing but give people that don’t know better like OP here a false sense of security and superiority.

The correct way to handle these bots is literally just pay one person part time to go in and ban the bots. A few times a week. That’s it. Make them boost and level to 60 and waste money. This authenticator crap is just laziness


i have had my account for over 14 years and never had a single security issue, not even the slightest. I also do not have an authenticator. Given how i have demonstrated how my account is in fact secure. Now what?

Also buy me a this gen smart phone, since you want me to have one.

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Why? I am curious the reasoning behind it.

You have a farm and a garrison
 you’re not homeless.

Unfortunately, this is a really good way to bar out the poorer players who can’t afford a smartphone. We don’t want to set that precedence until there is an alternative for them, such as email authentication.


I wouldn’t be announcing I don’t have an authenticator.

I do have an Authenticator. But I have some concern over those who don’t have smartphones.

And privilege speaks.



I know plenty of homeless street people that own and maintain a smart phone
 If you can afford a computer and maintain internet and the sub cost, you can afford a smart phone. Hell, the free government phones run the app and the number they use are valid for SMS.

I disagree with that statement. Smart phones multiply a phone bill by almost 100%. Not everyone can afford that or chooses to.


no thanks. guess I will not be playing this game much longer if blizz keeps pushing authenticators to play a game.


Nah, they get older smart phones of any kind. People use them as clay pigeons these days anyways.

You know there’s ways around all of those right?
Christmas present Laptop
Coffee shop wifi
Gold for sub time

Device neutrality

Device neutrality is the principle that in order to ensure freedom of choice and freedom of communication for users of network-connected devices, it is not sufficient that network operators do not interfere with their choices and activities; users must be free to use applications of their choice and hence remove the applications they do not want.

It can be defined with the following analogy to network neutrality:

Network neutrality: Neutrality principles are codified, and a judicial route is available for redress. Connectivity providers can implement traffic management, but the rules must be the same for everyone. The antitrust alternative, takes more time and offers few precedents.

Device neutrality: Similarly, neutrality principles are codified and avail judicial remedies. Device vendors can establish policies for managing applications, but they, too, must be applied neutrally.


if the homeless and working poor can afford to maintain a smartphone, anyone can. Saying it costs too much is a cop out.

Depends, did they buy it? I can see a homeless person with a phone but I don’t know how they got that phone. Maybe they found it :laughing: maybe it was given to them.

I am for this, but only if they offer fobs because expecting people to have good enough phones is still a real issue. I didn’t have a “good enough” phone until about a year ago. Just like they don’t try to make the graphics photo-real so as many people as possible can run them I think offering a free fob with a 6 month subscription, or a nominal fee otherwise, would be the perfect solution.

Because it doesn’t just inconvenience you when you lose your account, it inconveniences them. So, uh, win/win anyone?