Authenticators Should Be Mandatory

Nearly 2.5 billion people live in countries where the cost of the cheapest available smartphone is a quarter or more of the average monthly income. We cannot simply make the assumption that every person can afford a smartphone, or chooses to pay for a smartphone on top of other utilities when cheaper phones are available for them.

The real solution here is to make an email version of the Authenticator, not bar out people who can’t afford smartphones.

And don’t get me wrong, I am all for the authenticator being mandatory for aspects of WoW. But there needs to be more flexibility in how some people can access the authenticator, especially since some phone services like Cricket are showing to not work with blizzards requirements.

Yeah, and when your computer gets hacked, not only have access to your computer, they have access to your email too. One good keylogger will ruin you day.

Not like the devs read them.

Honestly the devs might as well just remove the forum CoC and the rules.

I see where you’re coming from, but Blizzard should think of a broad scope for this issue.

I guessing you don’t work with or interact with the homeless or working poor on a daily basis. I do. There are cell phone plans and government programs designed strictly for them. Like I said, claiming they are too expensive is a cop out.

There is a current government plan right now, you pay nothing, you get a good working smartphone, 10 gigs of data, free text and phone service. The phones they give you can run the app and the numbers are valid for SMS. All you have to do is prove you have income or you don’t have any. 15 minutes you got a good smart phone/ Look for the people in parking lots saying free phone.

If you know you are gonna be homeless, It is recommended to get a cell phone, it will mostly you only way to get and receive services that can help you til you get back on your feet.

Then how do you expect others to get it?

Well, there are people like ME that work for outreach centers that have the connections to set them up. There are also people that put up tents by the side of the road and are set up to sign you up right there on the spot. If you have access to the internet, just look for free smart phone under Google. Assurance Wireless is one of the major ones. I get high school kids all the time, and we sign them up. The whole process takes about 15 or 20 minutes.

Before you say “it’s only for certain groups or people”, it’s for EVERYONE. A lot of people are quite ignorant on what programs are out there to help. My only problem is coming across people that are “Too proud to accept charity” even though they are hurting.

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I would say this if they can provide physical authenticators again. DIRECTLY or pointed to their distributor. It be a good way for them to make money (Which is amazing why they aren’t doing it). And that way, people get some nice perks, though the only perk is the 4 extra bag slots. Its not even intrusive to have, you only ever really need to use it ONCE as it’ll remember it and not need to pester again with anything requiring account access to games (Minus the actual account with literal information on it, understandable though).

But I wouldn’t want it to be mandatory if there’s no options to provide it, we don’t want another “Don’t you guys not have phones.” moment here. It isn’t even a debate when it comes to having authenticators only on your phones now while I’m rocking my authenticator back in 2013 (And still working btw).

Maybe if they offered a one-time discount for adding your authenticator would be nice and enticing to get one added.

Um, you get couple of bag slots added to your backpack and a pet for adding and Authenticator and SMS protection.

Yeah, that’s something people can care less about. In this very moment. People are not aware of the innate rewards. They need more incentive, not pushback. And not just for WoW either, it applies to ALL of games. So naturally, needs a more incentive reason to get one.

In my opinion, coming back to a naked toon and zero gold and or deleted characters it quite the incentive I need to add one.

Yeah… I was close to having that too. Thankfully got my authenticator in time before my account was ultimately lost. With that said, never use the same info to get on anything to join a stupid guild through a third party site, which is what likely happened to me.

And coming soon social credit score! Youre not making a very good case for a smartphone with medical apartheid.

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Why is not bait? Because anyone who gave it more than a few minutes thought would realise that Activision Blizzard would never put in a barrier like that which stopped people playing the game. Businesses, yknow, like people to play. What you’re suggesting would do the opposite.

So yeah, cant see it as a serious post.

OP is beautiful.

the Garrison is also NOT player housing.
Its not any more a player’s house than a factory is a factory worker’s home.

its a hub that puts all your gathering nodes in a personal instance. that is not player housing? does your house work like that? running a garden to sell the plants, digging up ore in the back yard to turn into steel. using the barn to mass produce leather and cloth. the front yard has crafting stalls to turn the raw materials into products. a Trading post on the side of your house? a fishing pond on the other side? a Bank across from your trading post?

player housing is NOT that. that has NEVER been the housing fantasy. 99% of people do not live like that. unless you are Elon and even then he has a home, even if its modular/ replaced like an old car for the newer model

its like saying to the homeless, “you are not homeless, because you can go to a homeless shelter.”

in any case… something something free phones with sub is a good idea? :wink: :iphone:

but really that isn’t the point. the point is, don’t make it mandatory UNLESS you are willing to give everyone a phone with the game. or bring back the key chain ones and ship it to everyone.

you CAN say, you have less custom controls unless you get one but it isn’t realistic to require it in order to play. the sub count would flat line. there’s barely a pulse as it is.

ideally, everyone would have an Authenticator.
just like ideally, everyone should have healthcare insurance.

but there are right ways to do it and wrong ways to do it. and everything in between.

now back to the player housing, it would need to have a few things to be a player house.
1, rested Area
2, a separate hearthstone to it, preferably a toy so it doesn’t take up more bag slots.
3, a portal to the main city
4, needs to have a bed.
5, you NEED to be able to move ANY object to ANY place within the player house.
*some examples, Minecraft, FF14, Sims, WildStar(about the only thing they did right imo)

6, the ability to invite people to your home.

7, IT CAN NOT AND MUST NOT have QoL things that bypass crafting and gathering professions. a home is a place to rest, not a place to get stuck working long after hours.
(granted some jobs are basically fun/ the same stuff people would do in their free time but thats more of an exception. some people might find watering plants fun and other will see it as a chore that they would rather not have to do but if it provides an advantage then it will be seen as required and cause burn out as well as an over saturated market.)

  1. is optional but is essential to making a player house a game play loop.
    Furniture, decorations, etc needs to be added to the loot tables. crafting professions need to be able to make housing décor as well. putting all these rewards into the world gives players a reason to keep playing that is not tied to player power.

loot drops need to be consistent so that players get carrots and not in a point where they see no gains for time invested. a good way imo to address this is to always drop materials for items rather than low rng drops. a npc crafter could make a number of things or trade décor for those drops for items that are too unique or common to be left up to a player only market.

(like a way one could regulate the lego prices is to have an npc that would offer to make the lego or a random lego at a lower price. maybe 30k or 50k which would put an upper cap on the lego prices because an npc can make it cheaper. then there isn’t that 250k for a lego base item no one can use for 3 weeks)

but that aside, player housing needs to be a place where players can quantify their achievements and express their creativity. a place they go to for fun but have no built in functions that replace their needs to go out into the world.

Having seen some of your past threads . I don’t think “you” should be allowed to post with one .

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I have a prepaid smartphone. I still pay only about 10.- a month just like before. Even with a whole 500mb data to play pokemon go with. it’s all about management.
