Authenticators Should Be Mandatory

because that would require effort.


You talk a lot for a whale.


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You have to be a troll. If you are not then I feel really sorry for you

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I feel sorry for people who have computers, monthly internet access, subscriptions to the World of Warcraft game, actively use the online forums for WoW… but somehow SOMEHOW do not own a phone in 2021.

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Not everyone needs to keep their entire life on a phone nor do folks have to buy one because you think you can decree it.

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To be fair a lot of countries around the world the whole covid thing has encouraged this thing called QR codes where you have to check in to the store before you go buy your groceries, and things like that, so once all the old people die out, we are going to be slaves to our technology at some point, let’s be honest

Even down to voodoo tribal magic stuff. Not sure which was funnier.

the fact some people thought JFK jr would come back. Or…were genuinely disappointed he did not.

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He didn’t LoS.

No crybabies like you!

Authenticators should be “Mandaroty”.

Why? (ten characters)

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I see English is not your strong subject!

This thread isn’t political satire trying to relate Covid mandates to authenticator mandates , is it?

Go away Sylvanas, we are sick of it

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the saddest frown, walks away so slowly

How often are you (or anyone else for that matter) in some zone and in a position to help someone who needs help? There is no way to help people in phased quests. I tried to help someone last week who had to kill a mini-boss. After a ton of research I found that they were 15 quests into a quest chain, and absolutely no one was going to be able to help them.

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OP what’s your problem?

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A post of mine was reported as trolling, but I don’t know which post.

Someone help me find it!

Nobody asked for these systems. They’re just the latest features of this expansion. The saving grace is… if history repeats itself, the systems of SL will end and absolutely cease in 10.0.

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We should also be required to have microchip trackers implanted in our noses in order to play.