Authenticators Should Be Mandatory

I hope a goblin steals your name.

sarcasm. yeah, i’m the king of it. only thing is, i never said that it never happens just because it hasn’t to me
 i was just telling my experience as to why forcing everyone isn’t a good idea if you want to keep your base open. A for effort though. =]

i did, and i was rewarded the core hound. there also was no fine print saying that they’ll take it away at any time if you remove it- i used the authenticator until getting rid of my cell a few years later

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Authenticate or stay home.

Agree 100%
NO ONE should be able to access my account but me.
Unfortunately, authenticator is the best way to keep it that way.

That’s a little harsh.

Rather don’t beat on it?

I had a legit difficult time to get mine to work. Took combined efforts of customer service, and my two sons separately over four days to find the glitch.

Ummm, hate to break it to ya, but legit doesn’t = #no scrubs.

So we got 4 bag slots instead. Very true to form sad.


Since no reason was given I’m just going to say no :slight_smile:

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You only need that 4th factor security if you’re routinely handing your account credentials over to leveling services or shady websites.

Otherwise a “Phone” is the most likely thing to get lost, replaced or broken making it much more likely you’ll lock yourself out than protect yourself from an attack.

“Don’t you guys have phones?”

The US isn’t the only country in the world playing WoW, FYI at that time lots of south american and australian players are on.

False. I’m a whale. I own every cash shop mount, pet, toy, etc. I pay for five accounts in 6 month subscription blocks and I buy WoW tokens.

The day I am forced to use an authenticator is the day I stop playing WoW for good.

I outright refuse.

I support everything Blizzard has done with authenticators so far because it doesn’t affect me in the slightest. I pay all this money just to solo and have a good time using toys in cities. But I will never use an authenticator for any reason, and that’s all there is to it.


You’re right OP, just like vaccines.

You just had to, huh? :stuck_out_tongue:

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Iphones are garbage, Apple as a whole is a bad company. Android>iphones. You’d be giving people bad phones that eventually get slowed down by the company and forcing them to subscribe to apple services, which also suck.

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People still care about phone wars?

I got keylogged years ago because I logged on to play at my mothers house. I guess she wasn’t so careful about her info. I logged on in the morning to naked characters and watching them log into everyone on her account. I got a GM to lock everything down but they stripped the gbank. We got out stuff back but have had an authenticator ever since.

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I don’t take that nonsense from any entertainment company that I hire; my privacy is my privacy.

Both the 1st AND 4th Amendments are still in force regardless of what low-information automatons feel (FEEL!) about it.


I don’t know why they don’t have a windows app for it to be honest.