Authenticators Should Be Mandatory

Only the conservative parts are third world.

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I hate to break it up to some people, but being in the works in other games and stuff of the likes, I really think WoW with all the gamble, still very open to exploitation and still very reactive in matters they should be proactive.

And I hate to break to yall, but when you talk about Mandatory Authenticators, and features missing for data you dont put like DOB and stuff, and at the same time you screech in other topics about the Gold Sellers and Boost sellers, you all are furnishing the laughing factory.

And when you ask for the man to “keep everyone at any cost”, you really making room for a development that cater to be mediocre to everyone instead of being good to most who decide to play.

I like this game, but I am really skeptical as to how long this game will still be this game, however I know the “algorithm” for this: This game will still be this game or what is left of it until the significant part of the playerbase that still here from the beginning move to other things. That day, sadly, can be seen in the horizon.

uh oh we have a potential Stalin-esque person posting on the forums. Run to the hills! :stuck_out_tongue:

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They should make engineering a required profession. That way everyone will value the 4 bag slots more and understand why it’s so important.

Nothing I say can be good can it?
I live on disability welfare. I live below mininum wage, but in my country, you can still pay rent and feed yourself with that. America is horrible to it’s people. You shouldnt have to choose.

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I made assumptions I shouldn’t have. Many apologies.

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I was wondering about why there were no groups for mor’geth when i went to kill him 10 minutes ago. That explains it.

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My wife had her account hacked back in BC and apparently they were using her account to move gold and mats and when we recovered it she had a bank and bags full of herbs and a few thousand gold.

The hackers basically bought her epic flight for her. :rofl:

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At least they aren’t standing around in the water like those NPCs in The Wetlands.

I really hope that, next expansion, some of the broken cr#p from past expansions gets rebuilt.

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maybe but here’s another possibility: it’s 9am est and 6am pst so most NA players are either at work/school or still asleep and not killing a world boss most people don’t care about anymore

You can run the app from the app store on a non-cell phone and use the keycode it generates. You can run it on iPad or Chromebook or a chrome emulator on Windows.

Look for the blue posts. It’s intended that a player will need a contract plan from specified provider from the country of origin that the account was created.

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thats more of a farm simulator, not player housing.

I have been called that over the past 15 years… Dammit Blizz, where’s my paycheck and red stapler.

A thing never happened to me! Therefore that thing doesn’t happen!

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The core hound was given on the condition you have an authenticator after all . . .

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Oh dear god no,I wouldn’t even pay for one of those

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Unironic yes authenticators should be mandatory. Same for society taking the leap and expecting people to have smart phones and upgrading business processes to use their features.

Same way we don’t base our societies anymore on the horse and buggy, so too should we demand people get on a basic technological level or just get left behind and not a part of modern society.


authenticators should be mandatory, I say this not for any in game reason or any reason related to wow at all, 2FA is good practice and you should setup an authenticator with every account you possibly can. its even more important now with some of the recent hacks like solarwinds. i’ve been a cybersecurity engineer for about a decade, its more important to secure your accounts with 2FA now than any time in the past.

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Pick a better password.