Authenticators Should Be Mandatory

Should be mandatory to post on the forums at least. Also having an authenticator should be required to unlock flight in the next expansion.

Anybody without an authenticator should only be able to play gnomes, because you’re YOLOing anyway if you’re a gnome.

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No I’m very tense right now!!

I actually like gnomes… why not something like… stuck in starter account, max level 20. ;o

Wow. Did someone tell you to say idiocy like this, or do you just get off on whining about paying customers because it offends you that other people exist?

“Useful suggestions” like “do nothing whatever about bots but drive way people who want to list groups”? That kind of useful suggestions?

Nope. Some of these people are employees who do not pay for their accounts. You know that already.

Were you surprised? I was not. But yeah, you are convinced that everybody who disagrees with you in any way is part of some hivemind. Keep patting yourself on the head for being so “original” as to make that weird claim.

And has done nothing to change that, just as the removal of the ability of levelers to create groups to do elite quests was, or so we were told, going to remove carry spam.

This is what you supported. Levelers still can’t use the group finder to make groups to do those elite quests. It had zero effect on carry spam ads.

This is what you support, changes that inconvenience people and even drive them away from the game that have zero effect on the stated purpose.

How many low level players did you help complete elite quests? None. You wouldn’t dream of helping anyone. And at least some of those players quit when they were roadblocked. But go ahead and make excuses.


You’re reading waaaayyy to far into this.

I always help people I see around in the world, even if they aren’t of my faction. I’m a pandaran, IDK what factions are. unless they shoot at me, then they’re the opposite faction.

You’re a Horde.

Hot topic of the week. Trolls are already hopping onto the vax/antivax/authenticater satire. Ez bait :eyes:

You’re a Horse.


I am? Oh geesh so that’s why those guys in Goldshire are never nice to me?

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FOR THE HORSE! :racehorse:




You can lead a horse to water but they need an authenticator to play WoW.


Correct me if I’m wrong but you don’t even need a phone. You can run the authenticator on other devices like an iPad or an emulator and use the key code.

Have you ever heard of burn phones? Not going to help.

Reads title.



As long as they make it an email, then yes. Not everyone has smart phones because it’ll be hard for them to use.


Shame on us to not actually read what is linked there… It redirects to app store.

Not entirely true. You can earn your own house in Valley of the Four winds in Halfhill Village.

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Yo. BOoMeR. You do realize more then a third of the USA lives paycheck to paycheck and thus has limited entertainment budgets. Buying another phone on a contract plan isn’t in the typical players budget. WoW isn’t exactly targeting the well to do top end gamer crowd. Your advice is “Go gEt a 2nd job to play a video game” . Read that back to yourself a few times to let that sink in.


Keep forgetting you guys are a 3rd world country now. Man I feel sorry for you all. Playing WoW should be the lowest on the list then.