Authenticators Should Be Mandatory

True never said I was brightess tool in the shed tho lol

why? what makes it justified to force everyone to use? any defense or evidence as to what it accomplishes?

by the way, i’ve been playing for 16yrs and never been hacked once… not to mention i don’t even own a cell phone to DL the authenticator. at one time i did, but when i decided to get rid of it, blizzard thought it would be cute to remove my core hound pet that came with having an authenticator linked to an account. nice, huh?


I was hacked. It was horrible.

No one should have to deal with that.


Hmmm… not without some changes to the Blizz authenticator.

One of the restrictions of the Blizz authenticator is that once you register it to a phone # for an account you can’t get another Blizz authenticator for any of your other accounts registered to the same phone. This punishes players who own multiple wow accounts. There are plenty of legit, not related to multi boxing reasons, for a player to have multiple accounts, from allowing your kids to have their own account, to being gold capped and needing another account for your excess bling, or simply wanting an account to start over fresh and play the game differently. Unfortunately the current system forces the player to only protect 1 wow account.

Authenticators can easily have multiple accounts and apps registered to the same phone (Google Authenticator and Microsoft’s authenticator for example). There really isn’t a major technical reason for the Blizz’s limitation, it can be done.

I would prefer to see this multiple Blizz accounts registerable to the same phone. I would even welcome if you got banned on 1 account, that it banned all other authenticator-linked accounts too. At that point, sure make authenticator mandatory.

Hopefully Blizz will make this change.

You’re a warrior. You get hacked at all the time. That is what plate armor is for.


You’re only suppose to have one account.

Multibox problems aren’t mainstream. Multi-account whales obviously can handle the challenges of being rich.

If you have four accounts, obviously you can afford four phones. Just tell Sprint or T-Mobile or whoever that you’re a family.

The average person isn’t doing this, but… multi-account people for whatever reason aren’t satisfied with fifty (50) characters.

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If someone is going to troll, they’re going to do it whether they have an authenticator or not.
They can have more dire consequences whether they have an authenticator or not, it just takes competent moderators do do this, which we do not have here anymore.

People are required to have a permit for firearms in many places but that doesn’t stop criminals from getting them illegally. Bad guys do not follow rules.


So should contraception but here we are…

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I have an authenticator, but i think it should be peoples choice not mandatory


Speak for yourself.


Sorry! I think if you had said “But here you are”, that would have been a sick burn.


Well I am not sure if someone might have considered that “crossing a line” and reported me. You just never know around here.

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hmm in maybe related events, does the fact that non Authenticated accounts can’t make custom group text explain why there was literally 0 groups for the world boss and the group finder thing doesn’t auto make groups any more which had me manually having to create a custom group for it?

is it preventing people from stating basic world boss groups? :thinking:


You’re not wrong. We live in the era where you can call people derogatory names, stalk them and get away with it but heaven forbid you disagree. You’ll get slapped with a ban and told you were being “nonconstructive”. :roll_eyes:


They should be able to list a group, they just cant edit the title. unless there’s a bug in the system. Which doesn’t surprise me TBH. Can’t check though, I got a smartphone.

Do we really need the 500th thread on this topic?

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Well yeah, how else are we going to get to 501?

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when i clicked the world boss eye thing to see if there was a group for it, there was none. clicking the create group button basically gave a blank slate that needed to be filled out where as before it would just create an auto fill group with 0 interactions needed.


Change your name to Funfist and lighten up.

The topics are similar but different.

What “dire consequences”? If you want to get rid of all those inconvenient paying customers to help your best buddies the devs, that would be a great way to do it. God knows there are way too many paying customers. Paying customers expect things, like a game that isn’t broken or full of bugs, or designed intentionally to push them to buy carries in order to reach end game. But with your help, that problem can be solved once and for all.

I am amazed at so many sycophants defending changes to the group finder designed not to impact carry sellers, because clearly there is no mechanism to get rid of them, but to drive away paying customers who don’t have a cell phone plan and don’t think they owe it to bobby and ion to get one.


Ah yes, because all paying customers are trolls!
Most trolls are people stuck in a sub they only bought for a shiny mount. They do nothing for this game but whine and troll because they got nothing to lose, or so they think. Pushing actual useful suggestions off the front page.

Everybody reading this here is a paying customer. This argument is hilarious. Guess what? This authenticator thing was announced at least a month ago when it went into the PTR. (unlike Beta, everyone can create a toon on the PTR!)
It was added because people constantly complained about the carry spam in LFG. This is their attempt to listen to us and fix the problem.

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