Authenticators and the forums

I think blizzard should add Authentication to the forums, besides the added benefit of security here, we could also kill 2 birds with 1 stone because the people complaining about the Authenticators wouldn’t be able to get on here and make thread 4067 about not getting one or wanting one.


Is there a bird version of this authenticator? I don’t have a phone, I use carrier pigeons :bird:


I agree 100% please require an authenicator on your account to post on the forums!!

Imagine the uproar… We wouldn’t have lmao.


If they have a valid number I’m sure they are fine.

I think Blizzard should restrict forum posting to verified employees. That will take care of the fact that people who don’t sound like they are using a marketing script still post.


I know a lot of IRL leaders who would copyright strike you for that idea, and one would be surprised they are not who most people think they are.

If people are having a legitimate problem then they should be allowed to voice it, with a few caveats:

  • These complaints belong in the support forums, not General discussion.
  • They should be written with as much detail and facts as possible so that an accurate assessment can be made of what the real problems are.
  • Exaggeration, and emotion are more likely to get your post ignored. Don’t mistake likes and replies by people not in a position to do anything as an indication you’re being taken seriously.

I dont really go as far as to say I agree with that thing they say:
“I might disagree with you but I will defend your right to express yourself with my life”.
Because I do think some stuff should be silenced.
However in this particular case I think it is not one of those.

4068 including this thread.


This isnt about not wanting or getting an authenticator, so nope.


Oh right excuse me its on the 2nd thread requesting for a forced authenticator mandate to use the game and its services.

Authenticators Should Be Mandatory - Community / General Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (


So 2…wow only 4065 to go to catch up to the crying about needing an authenticator then.

Don’t worry about it. The people whose issues prevent them from getting an authenticator, as well as the people who don’t think the game is worth paying 4 times as much to play for an expansion that very rarely gets little if any new content, you won’t have to deal with them anymore. You pushed them out of the game, because, like the devs, you think the game doesn’t need players.


I don’t have an authenticator, but I haven’t created a thread about it either.

I rather talk about moon pies.

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I don’t know, after reading some of the other threads, it seems like it’s a little unfair to the players who temporarily lives in military bases outside U.S. who can’t have a local address that matches the location of their phones.


Yep. Blizzard for a us account puts in country code 1.

And it stays. Can’t change that. Saw that as f2p call of duty needs this for my son.

Why I never authenticated. Japanese phone service, country code 11.

But…but your information. Between 2 VA data leaks and an OPM one since a gov. Worker now…my data is out there lol. Lost blizzard account? childs play if it happened.

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Boo hoo a few people can’t edit group finder while on a military base, it’s hard to feel sorry for them, its not like they can’t even log in to the game they just can’t edit some text.

Yessh yessh …do it :smiling_imp:

It’s really silly as well as weird to get upset about something that has no bearing on your life or activity. If you don’t want to read the threads about authenticators just don’t click them.


This is just pure evil. I approve.

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