Authenticators and the forums

Maybe do us a little favour there and point out with quotes anyone showing they are upset, much appreciated :+1:

Force players to log in with an authenticator to use this forum. It will increase security and we will clear out a few agitators in the process.

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I would ask that you show a modicum of compassion to those who serve in the military. Theirs is a hard lot.


If they are playing wow they can’t be having that hard a life. I’ll save my sympathies for people that have actual problems.

Are you serious?

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You think I should feel bad because some people in some countries military can’t edit text in group finder ? You realise that’s all that these people can’t do right ? Just edit some text…

I mean call me insensitive if you want but I don’t see that as much of a problem as homeless children or starving families…

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Just to be clear I am fine with Authenticator for custom chat text for the reasons Blizzard is doing it, I noticed a reduction for the moment so I can only assume it’s helping some.

That out of the way, what you are saying about people over seas in military bases is wrong because the custom text (at least in this thread) isn’t the problem with your posts. Players over seas might have to deal with some inconveniences yes, but to say you don’t feel bad and then try to take the grounds of…

Quite frankly that’s a gross attitude. You don’t have to agree that because of their life situation the Authenticator should go away, but geez you don’t have to marginalize military personnel because “they don’t have it worse”.

It’s a video game, and to top it off it’s a video game forum you are trying to get people barred from because of no Authenticator.

Just to be clear, my post isn’t about some forum privileges as much as it is about what you are saying with the posts above.


They don’t have it worse, they chose that life, I have no sympathy for military at all and I mean at alllllll. I feel sorry for people that don’t have any choice about their bad life or hard life.

This is about needing an authenticator to edit text btw not needing an authenticator to get food for a starving child. Try to keep it in perspective thanks and on topic.

I believe this data is fabricated…. :face_with_monocle:

It is. 4068 people ain’t rushing to lfg at this point.

THey are done lol…and in other games. Why pay when they need 9.2…not 9.1.5 maintenance code. This based on other stats, also fabricated maybe lol.


None of you regurgitating this are done with WoW, you guys can’t even quit the forum.

Dec 8 lol. Just a bit longer. Maybe more…see what tail wind I get on the leveling blood elf in classic/tbcc. She is on vaca this week due to comp stomp.

I could token another month. See how that tail wind goes…

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…yeah, right.

…yep, there it is.

While some hate it…the super server setup is going to is nice. I do see glimpes of that community some remember from the old days.

Key actually is to not use lfg.

How will it be doing you and the game a favor to eliminate even more subscribers than people like you who have already destroyed the community have managed to drive away?

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If you have an authentication device (phone or doggle) it will prompt you for a code when you sign in.

People like me …I’m not pushing anyone away , I dont care if people stay or go, even if the game ended tomorrow I wouldn’t care, I’m saying this hill about authenticators is not the hill to die on , it has no importance to the game at all if someone can’t edit text while doing group finder. Get over yourself already, no one on here is that important.

Authenticate or vacate.

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Every time I clear my cache and go to log in, I get an auth notice, which lasts until I clear cookies and crap again. So for me the forums are definitely authenticated, I get the text message and everything.

That’s strange,i had to use a authenticator to even open to get into the forum. Am I missing something?