Authenticator Support for Cricket Wireless

I understand the want/requirement to have an authenticator. But denying my ability to use the authenticator because of my cell provider, that’s just ignorant. My phone number is accepted everywhere else, it should work for a video game. I should not be required to change my phone provider in order to access features that should be part of my subscription.

I tried to enable the authenticator before, but it didn’t work, so I gave up. Now, I am forced to hand over the leadership of my group to allow for a custom message and they can’t give it back because it kicks us out of LFG. This security precaution is out of hand.

Before anyone says, “Why do need to edit titles?” For one, we both pay for a service, we should both be able to access all the features of the service, just because you have a cell phone provider like Verizon, and I don’t, doesn’t mean that I shouldn’t be able to use the same features of you. This is borderline class discrimination.
Two, editing titles is near required for end-game content. For keys, need X Covenant, need Lust, etc… For Torghast it’s nice to know if you are farming/flawless/fast etc… For raids I would like to be able to put first X until prog on Y, or need X Class. The spam could have easily been solved if Blizz just took the logic in the Premade group filter addon.

This authenticator requirement is absurd if you are going to block providers like Cricket.


Your subscription entitles you to access the servers. That’s it. There may be some features locked behind certain situations. Even guild leaders can demand their guild folks have authenticators attached to their members’ accounts to reach certain ranks. That’s no different than this. The hyperbole of class discrimination? Please. Let’s not.

If you can’t trust other folks you raid or whatnot with to lead your groups, that is something else beyond what Customer Support can fix.


Just to point this out beforehand, your game time only allow you into the servers and nothing more. Using the custom text for LFG isn’t a requirement to play the game as you can play the game.

And no, it isn’t class discrimination because someone isn’t willing to do something that isn’t required and is at will.


I use cricket and it works fine.

Really? What plan do you have? I contacted them and they told me that there was nothing that they could do on their end/change since Cricket is technically a “pre-paid” service

The authenticator doesn’t support MetroPCS either. I just want my bag space and pets >.>

It’s not about Blizz or the authenticator supporting it. It’s about whether your phone/number is tied to a pre-paid setup. I’ve got Cricket on a monthly plan and had no problems adding it.

that’s not really the point that your deliberately ignoring because you have no counterargument. saying blizzard isn’t legally required to allow people access to the game is like saying you aren’t legally entitled to car insurance if you can’t afford it even though its required to own a car now. it DOESN’T ADDRESS THE ISSUE and instead just ignores it because you don’t want or don’t care to acknowledge that there are people out there who for one reason or another can’t AFFORD OR OBTAIN A SUPPORTED A PHONE PLAN but can still afford the 15$ a month for the sub.

IT IS NOT up to you to dictate what they can do with their money and blizzard really needs to retain subs at this point considering all the bad pr they have had recently. by refusing to provide an alternative they have instead allowed their customers to poor shame other customers who can’t for one reason or another acquire a proper contract smartphone.

every single person on this forum mocking/jeering,etc. about people being UNABLE to acquire a blizzard supported contract based phone number are showing what kind of people they truly are.

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Its a monthly plan,not a prepaid.

You were fine until you went to this. Let’s not get ridiculous here.

Also: your sub pays for server access, nothing more.

No it isn’t. You can simply tell people what they need to know once they join your group and pick who you invite. And you just proved it’s not a need with these comments:

Wanting to is not needing to. And therein lies the difference.


Maybe Blizzard should add a questionnaire with some premade multiple-choice questions whenever anyone makes a group.

That way, when the game automatically generates an LFG title it could include important information from responses to the questionnaire such as covenant, farming speed, or specific classes needed, without the need for a custom title or an authenticator.

Even better, add a filter so players looking for group can filter the listed groups based on responses in the questionnaire.

This should address the concerns of the players without authenticators, preserve the protection provided by authenticators, and improve the game experience for all other players.

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My phone plan is also a monthly plan, I have the 10GB/mo plan.

I didn’t dictate a single thing so you need to take it down a peg, please. I’m pointing out where the OP was incorrect in their assumptions of what their subscription entitles them to - which is access to the servers. Nothing is guaranteed, not even up-time if you take a moment to read through all of the terms and conditions of what we each agree to.

Blizzard is absolutely allowed to demand folks have their accounts secured by their yard marks - not the players. If they meet these marks, then certain features open up. If they do not? Then they don’t have the full accessibility. That’s not me dictating a single thing, that’s just what Blizzard warned us they were going to do two months ago.


Personally, I’m glad they made the change. Yeah, it sucks to be in the situation you’re in but it’s needed because one demographic screwed it up for everyone. Fight the spam and maybe they’ll bring the feature back for you. Sorry you don’t have the same feelings we do but it is the way it is.

The first thing I do when I start a new character, and its almost a ritual now. I leave /2 EBay chat, enable autoblock on guild invites and disable trade windows. After that I level.

I have yet to see WTS groups anymore and thank the lord they made the change.

I’m kind of embarrassed to admit this, but I have the crappiest of all cell service providers, Tracfone, and the Authenticator app for android works just fine.


Yep. Same plan here. If that’s the case, then I would have to guess that your number is somehow “blocked” - most likely from being previous transferred from a pre-paid service to monthly.

Not sure what the fix is there; maybe call and see if Cricket can change it the setting that flags it as pre-paid? (for free, hopefully)

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I have asked Cricket’s help desk about it, and their response was, “Cricket is a pre-paid service” :man_facepalming: I am going to try again to see if I can get another rep.

That’s…weird. I have cricket as well and I have an authenticator and SMS.

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I do wish you luck with them. Perhaps after this initial mess, there will be something figured out to help folks in your situation or some others I’ve seen cropping up where they’re out of country and it’s causing issue. I can hope, at least!

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I have the same 10GB plan.