Yes, PALADINS did, ret wasn’t a useful spec, so you brought a holy paladin or a prot paladin, or both, and now you have all the paladin buffs.
Ret needs to be competitive DPS to be a part of an optimal raid group. If it isn’t a competitive DPS, you don’t bring a ret. They become very easily replaceable while making your raid better by slotting in almost anything else.
Rets are amazing, don’t believe the warrior propaganda. Oof, in total seriousness, sure for the try hard guilds out there maybe but that’s the top 1% mate. Also logs are not accurate, sims are not accurate, dear lord, ret was good, they are even better now. Wait till ICC , we are god tier.
When Blizzard came out with their stupid “spec prot or holy”-post rets were literally getting shunned from 5 mans.
Rets are kings of 5 mans, buff or not. But player perception is king as you should know. It’s the same reason people don’t run warrior tanks, despite warrior tanks being really good.
I don’t agree that combat logs or what ever crap sims you guys use can really indicate that ret was bad before the buff, the buff was fine, ret was fine, the buff just made ret better. But maybe I don’t understand what we’re even arguing about in the first place. Point is the buuufff is fine and guilds benching class/spec for meta perceived narratives is lame.
It wasnt just meta narratives. By every measure… sims, real world damage, number of rets actually being used on difficult fights Algalon…
The spec was struggling to the extreme. There was nothing optimal about it. Using a ret meant you were carrying someone. The spec needed buffs so that wasn’t going to be true.
Uh huh, sure. Being middle of the pack is not all that bad. Beside “Optimized raid groups” => try hards, You guys still had tons of utilities and bubbles and who doesn’t like bubbles?
Ret wasn’t middle of the pack unless your raid was filled with bad players…
It was worse than most PvP specs at DPS.
And no one cares about bubbles 99% of the time. Almost all important raid mechanics ignore immunities, and any other use of bubbles on others requires them to be making mistakes in positioning or actions.
And even if bubble is useful… you already have a holy paladin, they’ve got it covered.
No ret utility is good enough to justify being where they were in damage.
Now they are middle of the pack, and they are fine. In icecrown, after getting a legendary, they become one of like 7 top DPS. It seems like the buffs put ret at a very reasonable spot.