Authentic ICC with #somechanges

Now that’s being disingenuous, you can recognise why people dislike it without having to agree with them.

Nah, I seriously don’t understand where it’s coming from other than just a general grumpiness that ret is decent to good if fully decked out.

They are never going to be the best DPS, just able to compete with them.

Ret was always able to do this in wrath before modern optimizations. Players just wanted to leave rets in the dust because of weird utility envy, when ret utility isn’t even that good. It’s all defensive in an expansion that largely doesn’t push the defensive limits of your group.

When it does, there are ample cooldowns outside of ret that made ret never an attractive source for them compared to holy/prot.

You can list them all on paper all you like, but the reality was that ret was never a good source of ANY of it, until it got buffed.

Now that’s being disingenuous

How many logs & sims do we need to show you people before you accept reality?

Reality is, ret was good, its even better now, using logs or sims from “OpTiMisEd groups” does not really change that. Ret was good then, its great now, I don’t understand all the silly whining but then again I’m not using crappy logs for sympathy for a spec that’s awesome.

With the buff they are way beyond mid tier, arms is mid tier lol

Ok, now I know that you are living in a fantasy world.

Can someone pls explain what he means by weird fury war deep wounds meta. Does this mean I can’t stack deep wounds to tick for 6k like I did in real wotlk and I cant gear the same way?

And again, you can disagree with me all you like but I’d hope you have an understanding of why some people have a problem with Ret given we’ve had this argument across three different threads.

That’s not the same thing as agreeing with me.

As this thread is posted by a fusion member, we can see their HLK logs, Joxxb (fury warrior) vs Germond (ret pala)

Across all 41 heroic lich king wipes;

Germond did 10296 dps, 7587 dps to lich king himself
Joxxb did 11487 dps, and 8900 dps to the lich king himself

Lich king damage alone, joxxb was 5th, germond was 2nd from last (he beat a demo lock) and he didn’t even play dsac

Imagine if u nerfed him by 10-12% lol, he would be immediately replaced

Joxx has a 99.4 parse and germond has a 99.3 but its not even close

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Wait you are talking about gear during prog.

The only thing that matters to them is damage done using bis gear, that no one will get until the game is practically over.

And they don’t mind ruining the game and prog for Ret and guilds using ret to accomplish that.

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I agree, but they are asking for the nerf before prog ends, or even begins infact, the patch where ret is “too good” isn’t even out yet, if it even exists at all, there seems to be some weird situation on the forums where u can both use your utility and maintain the same level of dps, cleanse me 6 times then do 16400 dps? oh you can’t? well that’s not what the sim says buddy

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True, I was shielding and sacing and boping people on saurfang and lost 1000 dps.

I played shadow priest a bit in MC before switching to Holy in BWL. Blah Blah. Support class. Buffing warlocks. No geared designed for spriest. Yeah. Guild progress matters. But did I have fun being on pure support role sitting w/o gear for MC and being last on a gear list in BWL. NOPE. People who roll pumper OP classes a selfish. They’re bragging about their high dps none stop while people on support roles are totally neglected.

Exactly how many globals do you think you’re losing to these abilities? It’s not 1000 dps to use 4-5 globals in a 5 minute fight lmao.

You have to take your eyes off of your rotation and check raid frames for people with debuffs, your rotation can somewhat continue, but will be far from optimized.

It’s more than just the globals that matter.

Shield needs to be refreshed every 30 sec. Throw some flash of lights to help out more and you find yourself affected.

Just press any dps button for ret (or fury), they all do mostly the same damage anyway. Pressing nothing while you look at raid frames is the worst thing you can do.

If you do not optimize your rotation for the whole fight, you lose a ton of dps, would be much more than the 1000 lost I am talking about.

I was pressing buttons, just not optimally and it was a noticeable difference.

If you used 10 globals perfectly on utility (it never caused you to miss any damage), u would lose 387 dps on a 4 minute encounter (dsac) and a further 300 or so on AM, seems to put you around 800 below the warrior

There was a tiny amount of time where warriors realized that deep wounds triggered off if spell crits, so things like fiery weapon, storm gauntlets, the kazak neck from vanilla (not TBC Kazzak) became best in slot, which was a weird gearing meta. It got fixed quickly though.

Not sure what person you are referring to, but that’s the only weird deep wounds thing that I can think of.

Yeah, they just want ret to be sat entirely because prot and holy are good.

I meant the op

So they didn’t stop deep wounds from stacking? In real wotlk I had a build that made deep wounds 15 percent of my DPS