Authenicator Code Request

This is acknowledged and I have not been harassing the developers. I’ve been countering Pawgwalkers constant trolling and inappropriate responses.


This seriously not fixed yet?
Just undo what you did that caused this, lol.

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This is an irrelevant setting for two PCs. I don’t have an issue with switching the dropdown to change on the same PC, but try logging Battle.Net in on two different machines at once.

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Huff that copium, huff huff.


I haven’t reported a single post here… Meanwhile, this is what my activity notifications look like:

The truth is that people in this thread don’t want to accept the truth of the situation and any post that goes against their echo chamber desires results in constant false reporting, like in the image I linked.

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Honestly you stopped offering anything constructive after your 2nd or 3rd post in this thread. Every since than you have done nothing but poke, jab, and talk down to us in everyone of your posts. So I’m not surprised you’ve been reported (half your posts show up as hidden for me). And for all I know, you actually may believe you’re being helpful, but clearly several of us in this thread disagree. What’s been actually helpful are the responses from Blizzard. And we know there’s a workaround, and we know they’re working on it. But we’re still allowed to be frustrated.


Yes, it’s an inconvenience, but it’s already being looked at. I’m sure they will post when there is more info. They cannot relay your feelings on the matter to the developers because that isn’t how the company’s workflow is set up (they’ve covered this in other threads).

I suspect the change was part of the efforts to stop spam—perhaps the launcher is needed to check the license. The employees said they are working on a fix, but there’s no timeline and no guarantee they will actually roll it out.

Edit: typo ;(

dude its been fixed for shadowlands side of the cilent for over a week, its shouldn’t take this long to port it over when its the same client and code

not making excuses for blizzard lazyness

Same could be said for yours in suffering a barely inconvenient workaround.

There was the Tier 6 patch this week. I would believe most of their troubleshooting is focused on any bugs and mishaps that have arisen from that. This issue, while not ideal, it isn’t game breaking.

And if you think you could do better, I’m sure they’d love to hire you on, master coder and IT marvel that you may be to fix all of these ‘easy’ fixes. You don’t know what goes on behind the scenes. Just because X is fixed on one game, does not mean it’s the same copy/paste situation for another.

Posting here to rant and rave does nothing. If you’d like to offer your feedback and suggestions, do it properly. Send it in through the in-game interface or post in General Discussion. Otherwise, you’re just clogging up legitimate bug reports with tantrums.

It’s a known issue.

They are working on resolving it.

It will be fixed on their time, not yours. If that bothers you so much? There are other games out there, and I wish you well wherever your gaming takes you.


Paying customers should not be required to get a job at the company, just to get a fix. There’s a reason why subs are declining.

This is the Technical Support channel. “Suggestions and feedback” is not appropriate for bug reporting.

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There are many reasons that subs are declining. To say explicitly this is why is sheer conjecture. As for the point of what I said, you missed it. But we are all paying customers - we pay to access their servers. That’s it. We’re not even entitled to the servers being up, as per the EULA. But armchair ITs here Knowing Things, they don’t. Not unless they work for Blizzard. The point is we don’t know how or why it was able to be fixed for Retail but not TBCC. It’s not a simple switch else they’d have done it already.

It really isn’t, which is why I pointed those who wanted their voices heard, tantrums and all, to the proper channels.

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Damn, you’re bending over backwards hard. The point is that Blizzard has a duty of care to provide the service that we’re paying for. The legaleze is why people aren’t suing Blizzard every day, but “Lol, paying doesn’t mean the servers will ever be up” is the height of ridiculous claims.

Define “it”. This is the Technical Support channel. And Suggestions and Feedbacks not appropriate for bug reporting.

Bad customer service and poor bug addressing is one of the oft cited reasons, specifically.


Hey again,

It looks like our QA/Dev teams have the fix for Classic versions of WOW in testing. The fix should already be live for 9.1.5 patch. Once our support staff has more info we will be posting it here.

Thank you for working with us on this.


So there you have it, turns out I wasn’t just some conspiracy theorist troll:

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This has nothing to do with a bug that Blizzard has already fixed in Retail and is fixing in Classic. Bots are not Boosting organizations, and your claims never said it was to fix boosting…

Literally, the issue is a bug and is not in any way an intentional change to combat boosters.

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Cool, because they are always so upfront with internal changes to make sure scammers and botters are up to date on what’s what within the inner ring of anti-exploitive behaviour detection systems… I’ve been coding for decades now: You don’t accidentally break a vital system for logging into your game(the biggest backbone of any MMORPG), without having made intentional changes to the system, and then spend over a week “fixing” it(they would have just rolled back whatever accidental change broke the system within hours). Oh and then put out a major post about banning cash/gold services a few days later… Just a tiny bit too coincidental to not be intentional…

And yes, you do use botting type things for boosting organizations: The hijacked spammer accounts. And to keep your main account from getting banned, while you violate the TOS doing things like selling carries for real money, you’d likely use things like VM+VPNs to avoid them detecting your PC and linking your real account to your shady accounts. That way, the burner accounts would be all you’d lose. But I’ll leave it at that because this is starting to get into the realm of discussing exploits, which is against the TOS.

Anyways, you’ve got your answer and I’m pretty sure they will just patch the client to have the detection stuff that’s in the launcher to help catch more TOS violaters. But again, keep telling yourself what you want to hear, if it helps you sleep better at night.

You just can’t admit when you’re wrong can you…


another week, still not fixed. i can log into shaadowlands just fine still but not tbc.

its so fun alt tabbing through my opened apps then dc’ing myself b/c the launcher opens and i hit a key and another wow tab opens :))))

There’s been an update (at least to the Mac version of Burning Crusade) and it’s working again! :slight_smile:

I got an “Our EULA has changed” message in the client, and had to log out of BNet and back in, but once I did, it looks like I can manually log into the Game Client again.

Assuming this is fixed now, thanks for all the efforts!

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