Authenicator Code Request

This has just happened to me from the launcher. Enter password, enter authenticator code, and get disconnected.

It seems to only be TBC for me. My Wife got in no problem.

Hey Iskotew, if WOW is asking you to login after launching from the app please try the following:

  1. Make sure the app is showing as online in the top right corner
  2. Log out of the app, then back in
  3. Try reinstalling the app

These troubleshooting steps are specific to login errors when launching from the application. If you are manually logging in and are playing WOW Classic or TBC, please see my earlier post regarding the active bug.

The short-term workaround for the bug is to launch WOW only using the app. This is a bug that should be fixed in an upcoming patch. We hope to have more info on that subject soon.

Hope the info helps. Cheers!

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