[A][US][Lothar]<Conspiracy Theory> Casual Raiding and M+ looking for Good People 9/10H Sanctum

About us: Well, we’re mostly older players and our guild is built on community and culture above progression and performance. We raid various levels of content, run a bunch of keys, and have an active Discord community. Most of us are 30+ and are in it for the entertainment and companionship, however we do spend time pushing modestly challenging content and have a progression team working on heroic Sylvanas.

Otherwise, we raid Wed/Thurs 8-10 EST and those raids are open sign up. We are not looking for any specific class or spec, we recruit the person behind the keyboard for social fit. We don’t grade damage meters or tolerate toxic elitism. We have exceptional players of multiple classes more than happy to provide advice and support.

If you pin me down, I’d say we are lacking ranged DPS. We have a murderous mob of melee that trudges from boss to boss, administering beat downs with a mage and a couple of hunters, a shadow priest when he’s not off camping. Our raids are generally 15-19 people so we have room for more. Bring a sense of humor and maybe a stiff drink. There are no hard attendance requirements or obligations. We are all working adults with families and responsibilities to see to and the guild ethos boils down to 1.) Don’t be a jerk 2.) RL > Wow.

We have a handful of people with KSM for season 2 and several others closing in. We run alot of keys on off nights and weekends. Aside from the Wed/Thurs raids, we have a progression team that runs Monday 8-10 EST. For that, we are fairly serious about our focus and our comp but its mostly the same people on all the raids.

We are a tight circle with about 80ish accounts in the guild. We like it that way but we are always searching for more good people.

Contacts: Battle#tag: Horacio#1828 or Lena#1459

Connected Realms: Ghostlands, Gnomeregan, Grizzly Hills, Kael’thas, Lothar, Malfurion, Moonrunner, Trollbane.

Not ready to make a change quite yet? We also have an in-game community for guild allies. Sign up here. [embed this link: https://www.worldofwarcraft.com/invite/nlxZkaOTnbJ?region=US&faction=Alliance]

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Looking for more awesome people to add to our roster. Grow with us and become part of our tightknit community!