2 casuals LF heroic group

Hi Phat,

The guild I’m in is semi-casual and has a couple of options but we start at 8pm ET and end at 10pm. Take a look and send me or my GM a note via BattleTag if you’re interested - contact info in the links below!

  • We have a Wednesday open learning raid where we are now heading into normal SoD to the KT skip. Then resetting and heading back in and doing the first few heroic bosses.
  • Our Thursday raid is a continuation of Wednesday night and we go as far as we can with that group on heroic.
  • Our Monday night raid is progression with a separate extended raid ID (working on Sylvanas atm) and we have a set team for that. We have some standards to join that team but the goal is to have people on Weds and Thurs graduate into Monday night.

There’s a lot of crossover and a good few people from the Monday progression team come to Wednesday and Thursday night raids.

Here’s our latest recruitment post from our GM:

And a past post from myself: