August for 9.1 eh?

Activision will be the death of the gaming industry.

They are all about $$$, and ZERO love for the product they actually make.

I remember when paying for a WoW expansion was a no brainer, because it was a BARGAIN because of all the fun you got out of it.

These days, I feel like I am getting fleeced with each passing expansion…


Ahh Wrath, I miss it so. The game play was fun, and it was the pinnacle of the wow story.


I’m personally ok with this. With the nicer weather, I want to play less anyhow. Once I get AOTC, i’ll be in either super-relaxed alt mode or simply unsub till 9.1 altogether.

TOTALLY agree! It’s been a steady downward slope since Wrath…

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Agreed I don’t think it’ll be good for the game because (this is my personal take on it) it shows that they give up easily.

With you on that one. I live on 218 acres & since it’s starting to get nicer out I want to get rid of a whole bunch of trees & make walking paths & currently in the works of making a 12 acre pond that I want to stock with Koi’s.

Shadowlands was promising, but it just doesn’t have the same feel as previous expacs. Legion was my favorite of the modern expacs. But maybe that’s because places like Stormheim and Val’Sharah were epic. Also helps that the expac expanded on existing lore, not shape it to tell the story of a no name jailer being the master mind of all.


Relax people don’t get your panties in a wad… Its a good thing. Gives people time to catch up that came in late into the game. Most Guilds still have not finished Mythic CN. There is a a lot more content in 9.1 new zone, Raid, you think this stuff happens over night ??? it takes time to develop new content id like to see you money brains who are complaining try and attempt to be a game dev.

For me it does not matter when 9.1 comes out. I hate the maw and it’s a maw patch. I will never go in for more than the souls needed weekly. Will not play it regardless if it comes out today or 6 months from now. Hopefully 9.2 will be worth playing. If 9.2 is still more maw I’ll be basically done until next expansion. I miss playing, but I will not do content I hate.

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That’s not true according to streamers who were in alpha and beta. They said in their videos that Blizzard actually listened to them for Shadowlands.

there have also been streamers noting bugs reported in alpha and beta that continued into live

Priorities. Guess some streamers rate more than others in Blizzard’s eyes.

Poor guy!! He just totally needed that extra $200 million on top of his exorbitant wealth instead of helping the company stay alive. I’m sure he is so thankful you are in support of him.


he got stock…

…which he can sell or sit on to eventually sell for more money…


Yes. Do you understand the difference between getting stock and getting cash?

Do you understand what allocating resources means? Or you too busy chewing on that boot you’re licking?


That’s not our fault, if they can’t manage their business that’s on them. We’re paying customers. If you buy a car during a pandemic and the car ends up breaking down do you think the car manufacturer can use the excuse, “But there’s a pandemic so the car should be expected to breakdown.”


It’s sad when people can’t think of anything to say and fall back to the braindead bootlicking tripe.

Tripe: the first or second stomach of a cow or other ruminant used as food

If you’re going to try and insult someone’s intelligence, make sure you know how to spell gewd.

And yes you’re defending a man getting $200 million dollars in stock options or he can sell off and buy other stock options. Instead of helping a company weather COVID as they are laying off departments and there are already rumors of how poorly their workers are treated. You can defend a guy like Bobby Kotick all you want but you are indeed a bootlicker and will likely never amass the wealth he has even though you seem to think he needs your defending. Keep dreaming though.


You might want to keep scrolling down on your google search. If you can handle more words.

The contract was signed in 2016. He met his targets. He got paid.

Defend? No. But I am tired of listening to braindead “feedback” from players that think they know how to save wow.